The vampire classes

[I edited the previous chapter. If you have read it before, you should go back and see the ending. I forgot to add it when I was uploading. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience]

*Check chapter - 337 No crack in armour!!!*


Klaus sat on his bed, still reeling from the events that had unfolded earlier. The fight with Sumi, Kane, and Cyrus had left him confused and frustrated. Seeking clarity, he turned to his roommate, Blair, and began asking questions.

"What is a vampire?" Klaus posed the question to Blair, hoping for a concrete answer.

"To simply put, they are like our cousins because they are also demons. But unlike us, they don't have the same core as we do. We are stronger in a normal sense. But they have the advantage of blending in better than we do because they have lived amongst humans longer than we have. The major difference between us two is that while we feed on the very essence of beings, they feed on a part, blood," Blair explained.