What did you turn Cyrus into?

The tension was palpable, Klaus stood with the book of demons clung on to his chest. Blair on the other hand was all but shocked to the point he did not move.

The atmosphere inside the dimly lit room was heavy with tension as Klaus and Blair stared in horror at the scene about to unfold. Sumi stood over the sleeping form of Erwin, her mace weapon raised high above her head, ready to deliver a devastating blow.

Klaus could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the impending attack, his mind racing with thoughts of how to stop it. The seconds felt like an eternity, each passing moment amplifying the fear coursing through his veins.

Beside him, Blair's eyes were wide with alarm, her breath catching in her throat. The air around them seemed to thicken with the weight of impending danger.

"Stop her, Klaus! Do something!" Blair whispered urgently, her voice barely audible amidst the escalating tension.