Book of riddles?

Blair could feel the intense tension in the room rising even though through it all, behind them, on his bed, Erwin laid asleep, deep in peaceful slumber with no care as to what was happening while murmuring "Yes, I'm King,"...

"It's okay. There's no need to get all feisty with one another. There's time and even if it takes us to skip classes for the next three days, we will find a solution to this problem. But first, I need to see something, hand me the book, please," Blair requested with an outstretched hand to Klaus.

Klaus dropped the book in Blair's hand, walked over to his bed and sat with his palms covering his face. A lot was going through his head particularly with how he had just reached and violated Sumi. The emotions were high but he knew for a moment there, he had let his grasp over his control slip. He felt ashamed in a way.