
Klaus slowly opened his eyes, his surroundings gradually coming into focus. He found himself bound with heavy chains to a towering stone pillar in a vast hall. Massive pillars held up the roof above, creating an atmosphere reminiscent of a grand cathedral, albeit devoid of any pews or congregation.

Groggily, he looked around, his vision adjusting to the dim lighting. To his dismay, he saw his friends Blair, Erwin, and Shaw all similarly shackled by thick chains. The sight sent a shiver down his spine as he began to contemplate ways of escape.

As Klaus wracked his brain for a plan, an eerie creaking sound echoed through the hall. His attention was drawn to a large door that swung open, revealing the arrival of four figures. Three of them were cloaked, their features obscured, but it was the fourth figure that stood out – the head teacher, Gravis, adorned in a distinctive red chest piece that burned through his dark cloak.