Layers upon layers

In the midst of the brewing storm of words, Gravis, the head teacher, chose his moment to step forward, his presence commanding attention in the room.

"Perhaps we can all come to an understanding. In the boy's defense, he is right to feel this way," Gravis's voice cut through the tension like a blade, a calm and measured tone that demanded consideration.

His interjection, however, was met with a retort from one of the three enigmatic figures. "Perhaps you are losing touch of where your say begins and ends in this matter," the voice carried an air of condescension.

Gravis, however, remained unfazed by the implicit challenge. "Pardon my unannounced intrusion. But it's paramount to note that these children, although familiar figures to you all, have lived a different life as opposed to their predecessors, if you may," his voice carried an undercurrent of authority and wisdom.