Lich problem

Arsha's return to her spot on the platform left Klaus with a maelstrom of emotions swirling within him. The enigmatic encounter had stirred up a mix of curiosity, concern, and a longing to understand the turmoil that seemed to consume her. As he watched her, his gaze was filled with a silent question, a plea for her to share the truth that lay behind her haunted eyes.

Sonia, who had been observing the exchange from a distance, tentatively approached Klaus. Her eyes were wide with a mixture of confusion and unease, mirroring the emotions Klaus himself was grappling with.

"Is she okay?" Sonia whispered to Klaus, her voice barely audible against the backdrop of the night.

Klaus's gaze remained fixed on Arsha as he replied in a hushed tone, "I'm not sure. There's something off about her. But I want to help her, if I can."

Sonia nodded, her expression a mixture of worry and empathy. "You're a good friend, Klaus. Just be careful. She's not the same Arsha we used to know."