Trusting demons...

The night was draped in darkness, and two figures moved across the rooftops with the fluidity of shadows. Their presence was elusive, their steps silent, as they navigated the city's labyrinthine paths above.

Sumi and Cyrus glided through the night, their forms almost indistinguishable from the darkness around them. The moon's pale light cast a silvery glow over the rooftops, creating an eerie yet captivating atmosphere.

After a relentless pace, a voice cut through the air, breathless and tinged with exhaustion. "Cyrus, stop, I can't go anymore!" Sumi's voice carried a mix of frustration and fatigue.

The two figures came to a halt, Cyrus's presence as enigmatic as ever. Sumi's breaths came in ragged bursts as she leaned against a ledge, her form heaving from the exertion.

Amidst breathlessness, Sumi spoke, her words infused with a mix of amusement and exasperation. "You know, it's really starting to become embarrassing."