Hiding Cyrus

Deciding they needed a break from their intense interschool training, the group agreed it was time to leave the hostel and have a proper meal. They would normally have gone to the school cafeteria which offered free food but in that case, then they will be subjected to what was served to them not being able to pick their choice.

So they instead chose to go out of their way and treat themselves to a proper meal.

Klaus took the lead, guiding everyone out with enthusiasm. The common area buzzed with excitement and eagerness, a contrast to the earlier gloominess.

As they walked, the thought of food sparked a conversation.

"So, I was thinking, burger or something else. I don't know, I'm not exactly into meat these days. Trying to win my soul over. I don't want to be like some people who can't do without meat," Shaw said, throwing accusing glances at Erwin who took note of this and replied with a hint of annoyance.