
After a few minutes, James came out of a portal five meters away from Arkhen. "Are you ready?"

Arkhen nodded as he activated his symbiotic items. He covered himself in the Arch Draconic armor and transformed his right hand into the Dragon Blade.

"Good luck," James said with a smile as he waved his hand and created a portal in front of Arkhen.

Arkhen could see a land of clouds and a large golden gate with white creamy carvings and designs with two baby angels on each side of the gate's pills.

"Reminder: Don't kill angels, but you can kill those snotty brats wearing various types of crowns," James said.

"What happens after those living in heaven die?" Arkhen asked.

"They also enter the reincarnation cycle depending on their karma. Heaven, Hell, and the Reincarnation cycle are different things.