Yeezy Squeezy (1/2) Build up R-18

After walking for a minute, they arrived in front of the door of Yeezy's room.

"Dear brother Arkhen, please stick that crystal at an appropriate place so I can watch, okay?" Meya said with puppy eyes.

"Fine, you little pervert. But don't expect something to happen. It depends," Arkhen said as he slightly flicked Meya's forehead before knocking on the door.

Meya quickly scurried away after Arkhen knocked on the door.

After several seconds, Yeezy opened the door. Seeing Arkhen standing there, a tinge of red appeared, but she quickly composed herself and said with a smile, "Come inside."

As Arkhen entered inside, he saw a table to his left that faced the main bed in the room 6 meters away.

Arkhen had worn a long red robe with an open front, like an open jack but in a robe form. Its length was long as it reached his knees, and the border of the robe was furry, made of cotton plus wool-like material. At the bottom, he wore comfy black fantasy trouser pants.