Opening the Treasure Chest

Since everyone returned back to the capital at roughly 4 AM of early morning, they slept till noon due to exhaustion from fighting in the labyrinth.

Especially Yeezy and Arkhen. They spent three hours on their passionate wild sex session before Yeezy lost her consciousness in both pleasure and exhaustion.

Arkhen returned to his room at roughly 7 AM and fell asleep. This was his first proper sleep after arriving here.

After sleeping for six hours, he opened his eyes at roughly 1 PM, feeling very refreshed and energized. The food they ate yesterday, coupled with this six hours of sleep made Arkhen feel vigorous in both body and mind.

Azela had also woken up late, but since she couldn't get out without Arkhen's will, she was spending time on the servant floor of the castle with the people there.

Fortunately, there was still enough food for people there to go by for a couple of weeks.

After Arkhen woke up, he first took out Azela from the castle inside Mystic Wonderland.