Battle of Will

Azela came out of the bathroom and saw Arkhen standing with his eyes closed. An unknown aura surrounded him.

Reisa was also standing with her eyes closed, a trail of blood trickling from her mouth because of the attack from Liani before Arkhen entered the room.

"So that's the Realm Artifact? It commences a battle of wills between him and his target?" Liani said. Her left arm was below her chest horizontally while her right arm's elbow was resting on her left hand's palm as she pinched her chin with her right hand with a thoughtful expression.

"Yes. I hope Arkhen succeeds," Azela said with slight worry in her eyes. But she was majorly confident in Arkhen and believed that he would succeed.

"If it's the battle of willpower like this, then it will take a long time to finish," Liani said as she waved her hand and put Arkhen on the bed. As for Reisa, she just let her stand here.

"Can we help Arkhen from outside if possible?" Azela asked.