For One and Only

The battle lasted for two more days before it was finally over.

At the table in the courtyard, Grace, Lorail, Vanis, Loumil, Rina, and Cyrus sat at a table.

It was three in the night, but none was sleeping. Not just them, but the entire Astoria Continent was awake.

After all, a battle deciding the fate of everyone in Astoria Continent was happening.

If Nightmare King died, the nightmare lands plaguing and devouring everything in Astoria Continent would disappear, and people would be free!

"They've been fighting for seven days now…." Grace murmured in worry and prayed internally for Arkhen's well-being and best.

But suddenly, she felt a jolt in her body before back wisps started coming out of her body and vanishing.

She felt as if some kind of chains that bound her soul were disappearing.

"This…" Lorail's eyes widened in shock

"The curse, it's vanishing!" Vanis shouted in excitement.