Unfinished Business

"What is this?"

"How come we suddenly appeared here?"

The three other 3rd Ring powerhouses who had arrived were caught up in the Phantom Maze created by Arkhen.

The phantom maze was a forest with paths made from purple plants and trees.

In the real forest where Arkhen had used this power, a giant dark purple fog dome appeared, and whoever touched the fog would enter inside this illusion maze.

Arkhen was in the controller room of the maze and could observe everyone. The interesting thing was that his nine other clones were roaming the maze.

"It's time to hunt them."

Arkhen grinned as he snapped his finger and swapped places with a clone that was near Tharin.

After walking for a bit and making a turn, he saw Tharin and said, "Hey, here."

Tharin was looking around and sensing this maze, so he hadn't moved from his position.

"What is this power?"

Tharin asked in wonder before he continued, "This is a superpower, but a very high-leveled one."