Anger Disposition

The burly man crossed his arms and said with a snort, "Boy, leave her there and get out of my sight. You don't want to mess with Ginjal's people."

Arkhen was curious. What exactly happened in those seven seconds after he left the store that this Misa came flying out on the verge of death?

As such, Arkhen ignored the burly man and turned back to Misa before asking calmly, "What happened after I left."

Misa constantly trembled in fear and couldn't speak seeing the burly man, but Arkhen used a few reality motes to calm her down. "Look at me and speak. No need to fear anyone."

Misa turned to Arkhen, and looking at his smile and expression, her fears disappeared.

"He is the manager of this store. H-He kicked me out because I talke-"

"Hahaha, she is useless. We keep people like her without power in the store so that they can feed themselves. But she doesn't know how to handle customers," the burly man laughed as he looked at Arkhen.