Plans and Movement

Five more days passed, and everyone just enjoyed and had fun.

After five days, a big ship came to pick them up. It was from Frezya Empire.

Arkhen didn't appoint anyone to the next Royal Family of the Sandia Kingdom. He didn't want the headache. So he just told them to decide among themselves.

Well, that led to a bloodbath, but Arkhen didn't a two-hoot about that as he and others were on their way to Frezya Empire.

Frezya Empire was situated in the inner layer of the 3rd biggest sphere of the 2nd realm, the Roaring Wave Sphere.

After arriving at the Frezya Empire, Arkhen felt the situation was tense.

In one of the big rooms in the big palace, everyone sat circled at a table as Yosin brought in some news.

"The situation is tense because of an ancient inheritance," Yosin said with a wry smile.

"As you know, all sphere's inner layers have many doors leading to different dimensions, and an ancient inheritance was found in one such dimension."