Terror & Pride

"You want to snatch the realm core from us?" Kunik sneered as he crossed his arms. "I want to see how you do that. Go on."

Shiron's face turned dark before becoming indifferent as he said, "Your ultimate wish won't be granted even if you destroy this world of Nine Realms and your king absorbs its core power."

"That's not even enough to fight against Lady of Dream, let alone defeat her."

After saying that, Shiron turned around as faint white-silver flowers started conjuring around him.

"Hehe, are you sure about that? How about we add a reality token to the equation?"

Shiron flinched and then started laughing. "I won't let that happen."

Kunik snorted as he saw Shiron disappearing as those white-silver flowers spread away after they surrounded Shiron.

Four days passed, and Arkhen was still absorbed in the comprehension of the scroll.

A mysterious knowledge of manipulating energy was presented to him, and he was like a hungry wolf, absorbing and comprehending all of that.