Each person has different abilities

I woke up and saw that I got a vacation, from Mr. Yamamoto.

Of course I'm happy, I get to take a vacation.

I walked around the city enjoying my time here.

Making small talk with the people I chatted with, especially the ladies next door to my apartment.

They wanted to marry me off to their children.

I refused of course, because I'm still not mature enough to behave.

It's better to be self-aware than self-forgetful.

But they would wait for me to be ready if I needed a partner.

So this is what it's like for Issei when you're surrounded by women.

I'm uncomfortable but I can't help it.

I went home and ate the breakfast I made myself.

God of War's abilities are quite helpful for things like this.

I'm just lacking god armor and the beyonder, the other sword will probably follow.

I get four days off, which is a great privilege for me.

All the teachers here are jealous of course, they're calling me to come back and teach those damn students.

Instead of being idle, I'd rather record my skills.

The magic of doom is only illusion, curse, heal, teleport.

True Satan only summons shadows and monsters.

True Angel only manipulates energy.

True Dragon is only the laws of nature I can manipulate.

primordial being, Chaos is only chaos in essence, Creation only creates according to my imagination but for higher levels it is impossible, time is only manipulation of the limited course of time, for darkness and light I haven't tried yet.

god of war is just a refinement of all the things you see and feel to a higher level. but the limit is only limited to martial arts.

God Armor is definitely just armor, let alone those two weapons.

I want beyonder to transcend those limitations.

Dragons who reject all laws, Demons who only laugh at destruction, Angels who are holy above heaven. With 5 primordial powers that are sufficiently capable and I can create my ideal dimension.

I can imagine where my epic battle with Trihexa will be.

I really can't wait.

My vacation was over, and I went to the academy.

But I didn't know there was now a massive meeting here, 3 factions, spiritual group, human group and others.

"Mr. Sur, I'm sorry to inform you so late, but now we have guests from all over and they want to judge how you teach." Ha? I got judged by many people.

I saw all the teachers and they encouraged me.

"Alright, but who do I teach?" I prayed for not all the students.

"Everyone" I fell to my feet, and hugged my legs.

"Oh no, I'll be scorned" I was scared because it was my first time being assessed.

"Calm down Mr. Sur, it's all just an assessment" Thank you Rossewiese, you are indeed understanding, unlike your nagging seniors.

I straightened my clothes and went to the academy courtyard.

And I saw all the students here along with the assessors and teachers and principal.

I'm done, what did I teach these damn students.

"Good morning, My name is Mr. Sur, you all must know me. intern teacher. so" I'm so nervous, damn it.

"I'm here to teach you about how to match good energy for you by sensing" I moved everyone here to an empty dimension.

then formed millions of energy balls, surrounding all the students, everyone was amazed by the collection of energy balls.

"Those balls have different energy ingredients with different properties. Your job is to sense them and summon them with your own energy power. Those who don't have energy power, please feel it, maybe your hidden talent will emerge at times like this." They began to feel the energy and meditate.

I saw some balls coming towards the students and even the audience as well, their take part too. asshole

I played some spirits here, they seemed to dance with me.

I played with them for a while and then continued the lesson.

I saw my students who were playing with energy balls.

I pulled out all the non-selected energy balls and gathered them together.

forming a pure crystal.

I gave it to Mrs. Chibi, then continued the lesson with how to manipulate the energy they had obtained.

Fortunately, all the energies they chose were compatible and in sync with them.

The potential for further development is definitely huge.

This session took 4 hours, fortunately I made the time here equal to 1 second out there.

I made food for everyone and sat watching them.

I chatted with a few people including a prominent leader.

Some people invited me into their groups but I declined.

Then we continued learning how to manipulate energy for ourselves and others.

I demonstrated that if energy is used for oneself then the effect is like this.

If energy is used outside of oneself, it is like this.

It all depends on the variety of techniques and their imagination.

They just need to understand the basis of energy itself.

"There are three ways to get energy. one, by borrowing. two, by absorbing. three, formed from yourself. example" I made 3 energy balls.

Spiritual, world energy, universe energy.

These three energies are the fuel for life.

"The universe is energy that you can borrow, if you keep it then you will perish, if you try to form your own. it's the same as you have become a god" I then changed to world energy.

"The world is the energy of the planet that you can absorb, you can store and mold. but your body will definitely be damaged if you don't put it somewhere else or move to a medium" I changed to spiritual energy.

"Spiritual can be molded by yourself, from yourself, six sense, hyper sense, everything in your body can be enhanced depending on your spirituality, more likely how your soul responds and enhances the thing that occupies it, for example" I made an image of myself.

I gave him spiritual energy, then I attacked him.

he dodged quickly, then I ordered him to injure his eyes and ears.

After that I attacked him again quickly but he avoided it even more as if my movements had been read by him.

"That's it. those are the three energy classes, any questions" Many students asked and I answered one by one until it took 8 hours this time.

They didn't realize it at all.

Let's go teach my real students.

"Mr. Sur, demonstrate how different energies with the same properties become one" I was interested, I had never tried that before.

"Alright, please all pay attention" I stood up to take a distance.

I made sacred energy, world energy, angelic energy, all forms of positive energy in this universe surround me.

But I failed because adding the universe's energy seemed to make my body reject the universe's energy. rather I was the one who exploded between the energies. because the universe's energy needs a strong medium. lame, I was annoyed to feel this.

"Beyonder, when are you coming!" I shouted and I forgot I was still teaching.

"Sorry, I mentioned the name of someone who should be dead. I'm sorry" I was so careless, I tried not to be embarrassed and straightened my clothes with magic.

I tried to return with the primordial energy of light and all the positive energy of the world.

And I was enveloped in divine light as my body evolved.

My empty dimension broke out and brought everyone to the original dimension.

My body was wrapped in a ball of white light that was illuminated by divine light.

The entire universe seemed to welcome the arrival of a divine being.

All beings in the universe felt that a holy being had been born.

The white sphere was covered with eight large wings and some feathers fell from the wings.

White wings with blue underneath, then spread them out.

My white body in my angel outfit with a golden crown shone above my head.

My body descended and I was greeted by holy beasts and holy creatures as if a child of God descended into the world.

My feet did not touch the earth, as if the earth was not worthy of my feet.

I opened my gold-colored eyes, looking at everyone.

"How is it? Isn't it beautiful?" My deep voice mesmerized everyone.

I explained the essence of angels according to my version.

"Angels only have one purpose, which is to carry out the orders of their god, have no desires or thoughts that hinder them, cannot be bribed or tempted. because all things in this universe are mortal, can be destroyed whenever and however because in the end all creatures will perish" everyone just listened to me.

I shook my head and took off my half-angel form.

"Yep, show's over. next time" They came to their senses and started bombarding me with questions.

This time I spent 16 hours answering all their questions.

I remember how Chibi and Brunhilde's faces looked when they saw my angel form.

I'll tease them with that if they bother me again.

Then I returned them to the original dimension again.

"That's all the learning this time, we spent 1 day there is equivalent to 6 seconds here, so thank you" They looked at their watches, it was indeed 6 seconds off.

"Mr. Sur, wait" I stopped their movement with the law of time.

then continued walking to my favorite pool, singing with my sweet mermaid.

I am now singing rock music with this mermaid, and the cool thing is that this mermaid can follow the rhythm of my music.

We sing all genres of music, until we are satisfied.

I went back to the teacher's room, it turned out that the other teachers had a test too.

muahahahaah, I can be free here.

I went to the top of the building and looked around, it was safe.

I used my power to summon the sword.

In the sky, a katana sword appeared and rushed towards me, surrounded by blood red smoke.

The sword is stuck in front of me, bound by heavenly chains.

Why is this sword naked? Where's the scabbard? That sucks.

I held the hilt of the sword and all the chains broke and became one.

I turned the chain into a scabbard.

"Well, this is how it should be. How uncivilized your style was before, darling. Now I will take care of you." I scratched my hand with this sword.

Now the sword's red aura is gone, and it shows its true form.

It's beautiful. i put it into the scabbard, and started trying out dark slayer vergil's moves.

From iaijutsu to judgment cut.

Perfect, this sword is perfect for me.

"I name you, Annihilator" I returned the sword to its original place.

And it gave off its blood-red aura again.

It's like the sword has a consciousness. Well, that's worth it.

I turned around and saw Ms. Unohana and Akame.

"Want me to teach you?" I reflexively said that. They hesitated and nodded.

I taught them sword techniques from small blades to no blades.

Without a sword in the sense that they use their hands as swords.

Unohana, I admit can use reiatsu but Akame is a different story.

I then took the murasama, and gripped it tightly.

"Akame, I will make this sword curse your power, but I don't want you to get it for free. You have to fight this sword, and remember. One wrong move, and you're finished. I'm not helping you" I manifested Murasama more precisely.

The Beast Murasama, I gave her dozens of weapons to use, from pistols to katanas.

"Please begin" I started the fight.

Mrs. Unohana and I watched the battle between the assassin and the beast.

"What do you think, Mr. Sur" Mrs. unohana asked me.

"Mommy, ehem, ehem. I plan to make akame into a walking death woman. but it will be impossible if she is defeated by the beast, I want her to feel the pain of her victims, over and over again" I watched akame, die, die again, die again, not stopping.

I used the angel technique and primordial light to revive akame continuously.

The beast was getting more and more savage attacking akame, without giving her the slightest pause.

I took pity on akame and confined murasama back to her sword.

"Tomorrow you tell your friends. there is a test from me, if they are late or absent. I will expose all your secrets to the whole school" Akame nodded then left us both.

"So, want some tea?" I offered her tea, of course she accepted it gently.

I set up a nice tea station for her, and some pretty tantalizing snacks.

"Thank you for this, Mr. Sur" Ms. Unohana was very polite even though her smile scared me.

"Please don't be like that captain unohana" instantly the aura here turned bloodthirsty.

"Calm down Ms. Unohana, I'm not your enemy. I'm here as a teacher, not an enemy who will expose everyone here" Unohana's aura remained sharp and looked at me seriously.

Well it looks like you want to fight with me.

I let out a bloodlust greater than unohana's, the sky split and there was a great thunder.

Like two monsters facing each other, we stared at each other without blinking.

Because we knew, one millisecond we missed this moment then our death would be certain. but honestly it was unohana's mommy who died, not me.

"What are you doing?" We dispelled the bloodthirsty aura and looked at the cute chibi.

"Mrs. Unohana and I are having tea here, would you like to join us?" I smiled as if nothing had happened, so did Unohana.

Mrs. Chibi joined us, telling stories here and there. but mostly they were the ones telling stories, I just listened.

After Mrs. Chibi left to teach, it was just me and Unohana again.

"Do you want to continue or do you want to go do your duty, Mrs. Unohana" She looked at me sharply without giving off her bloodthirsty aura, then she smiled broadly.

"Thank you for this event, I hope Mr. Sur can be more polite next time, if not" she gave off a stronger bloodthirsty aura than before.

"I'm going to kill you" I taunted her with an invitation to kill me.

Ms. unohana left then I saw the end of this roof.

"I'm not afraid of you, captain. I only pity you for your thirst for bloodshed" I looked at Issei's stupid face who accidentally squeezed Izuna's breast.

I rubbed my forehead in surrender, he deserves to be nicknamed oppai dragon.

All those damn students are back to studying with Kisuke, about their divine weapons.

I'm back to drinking soda here, enjoying the view of the academy.

Oh yeah, my internship is only 4 days away. So I have to speed this up.

I saw Ms. Kikyo interacting with a spiritual being, it seems she wants to emulate me. Being friendly with other beings.

Such a nice girl, she's fit to be a mother of my children.

Oops, my imagination is too high for a pure virgin and a bastard like me.

Well, what can I say, it's fanfic, my creator must have made some harems for me, right?

Never mind, let them live comfortably. But I have some goals if I meet them again.

And I already remember who my enemies are there.

But that's Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's business, not mine.

My business here is only teaching, and in this world only to gain the power of the beyonder.

That's why I'm here.