Utilization of transformation form

I woke up from my meditation, it seemed like my body was slowly adapting.

I saw all the students and teachers taking pictures of me flying in the field.

"Good morning, students and teachers all. Because I was locked in here, I am now adapting the energy in the universe. and for the teacher who forgot to tell me that you all went home, watch out" I merged all the energy and made a new crystal.

I gave it to usagi and amy, telling them to keep the stone and hopefully increase their power.

I removed my wings and remained in my angelic form.

all the students asked me more questions.

I answered all their questions.

"Does Mr. Sur have a partner?" Oh, now it's getting personal. okay, okay.

"Not yet, because I am still not established and not strong enough" I laughed and everyone looked at me strangely.

'You are even stronger than us'

"Oh yes, your exam results are very satisfactory, but there is one thing you have to do again this time" All of them who attended my lesson yesterday listened.

"How to control the monster within you, and how to control the power that is difficult for you to control. example" I used reiatsu and primordial chaos.

My body turned into a hollow then a vasto lorde.

"This is the most powerful monster form that only I can do, I want you to be able to control and make it your power without throwing away your consciousness and instincts as its host" I used 7-8 cero at once, different colors in each cero.

I threw them all into the sky and detonated them.

And damn it made a dimensional crack, some hollows came out of that dimension.

I glared at that dimension and unleashed the chaos aura and vasto lorde spiritual power to the highest level.

"Go Away" all the hollows were scared, and went back into the dimensional crack. I erased the crack and suppressed my aura.

"That's the demonstration" I released the vasto lorde form and I was flooded with thousands of questions.

"A,a,a, you have a lesson. if you want to join my lesson, ask your principal or homeroom teacher" I shook my finger and I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I finished I was called to the gymnasium. There were so many people this time, damn it.

"It's not all the classes in this academy" The teachers nodded, damn it.

"Alright, let's get started, I'll demonstrate how to control a transformation" I created two images of myself, then stood parallel.

"There are 3 transformations in this world, Whole body, Manifestation, Connection" I summoned Beowulf and merged our connection by shaking hands.

I poured all my spiritual energy into Beowulf and he transformed into a giant fox with a very violent aura.

I then gained a bit of its power, spiritual fox sense.

"Look at this, this is a connection transformation, your power is in your partner, and your partner can share his power with you without diminishing any of his original power. some of you should be able to do this" Beowulf and I demonstrated this power.

I moved everyone to an empty dimension, then summoned some spiritual and hollow monsters.

Me and Beowulf fought together, we connected as if our bodies were one and the rhythm of us dancing in this pool of blood was truly exotic.

Beowulf lifted me onto his back and he jumped.

He took out a high-level spiritual orb and fired it at the horde.

There was a nuclear bomb there, it was great.

When I was done, I gave Beowulf some food and a small gift.

"How was it? Quite satisfying, isn't it?" they were amazed at our performance, and asked a lot of questions. i answered some and some i didn't because it wasn't the time.

"Now manifestation, there are some examples of manifestation. in-body and out-of-body manifestation. like this" I gathered energy in my body and manifested it, I formed a susanoo with angel, demon, and dragon wings.

I was surrounded by the energy I gathered.

"This is the manifestation of the body, now it's outside the body" I deactivate the susanoo, then combine several energies from the universe.

Making it one, the Annihilator descended from the sky.

"Honey, why did you come?" Annihilator released a powerful blood-red aura that consumed all the energy I created.

"This is an out-of-body manifestation, depending on how your energies match" I took the Annihilator and placed it on my waist.

"All manifestations need a medium, if inside the body the medium is my body, and outside the body the medium is other objects. boosted gear, zanpakuto, etc."

They nodded and slightly understood my explanation.

"Then the last is the transformation of the entire body. There are two transformations, leaving your body or completely changing your body. like this" I gathered the dragon energy from the entire universe, the primordial energy, all the energies in the various dimensions, and the various energies in this universe.

There are thousands or even trillions of energies gathered in this dimension.

I gathered all of this into my body.

"Please don't imitate, this is dangerous...aaaaarrggggghhh" My body was torn apart due to the collision of energies that shouldn't be able to be brought together.

Everyone panicked, I raised my hand.

"Pay attention, this is the side effect if you force yourself to use a power that doesn't suit you...." My body glowed with blue light and I appeared as a half-dragon.

Blue wings and tail, with a small horn growing on my head.

I opened my eyes, and saw the entire essence of my students and other teachers.

I created glasses to neutralize the power of my eyes.

My body was surrounded by spirits and several life energies.

They seemed to want to welcome me and play with me, I played with them a bit and put them on my shoulders.

"It's disappointing that I can' t transform into a whole dragon, so this is an example of a whole body transformation" All the students were amazed and hysterical.

Some of the teachers were also amazed and asked me.

"Are you a dragon, Mr. Sur" Brunhilde asked stupidly.

"If I were a god, would I be able to make you my lover" I teased brunhilde and she was then embarrassed to hear this, so easy.

"Mr. Sur, Mr. Sur, Mr. Sur. Can I ride on your shoulders?" I picked up Ms. Chibi and sat her on my shoulders.

"uwoooh, I'm tall, I'm tall now" I shook my head at Ms. Chibi's behavior.

"By the way, I'm a human, neither a dragon nor a half-dragon. I just used the power of energy manipulation to gain the power of a dragon. this is how it turned out" I then flew up, Ms. Chibi cheered happily.

"Please ignore the passenger on my shoulder, I now want you to be able to fight, accept, defeat all the power hidden within you, you must be able to! failure is not an answer I hear after this. and I will wait for your results" I gave all the students chaos energy and healing energy. All the students went into unconsciousness, me and the teachers saw them all fainted.

"Mr. Sur, what are you doing?" Mrs. Unohana panicked seeing all the students fainted.

"Relax, I brought them to the subconscious to fight their evil side, defeat the monster inside their body, accept the power that they cannot reach, and control the power that they cannot control. all of that can be done by themselves, and we as teachers watch how the cocoon, this cocoon will open and show their new wings" I made chairs for the teachers and some food.

"Ah I forgot, here" I released their limitations and healed some wounds on the teachers including the principal.

"Now that you are all strong, you can protect these students without me, because tomorrow is my last day of teaching" They thanked me for my parting gift and some were sad to hear this.

"Don't worry, we will meet again. somewhere, and please remember me. I think these students will forget us after they fly high in the sky. and we as teachers must let them go and wish them the best" everyone nodded and we watched all the students again.

Some of the students started to wake up one by one, I could feel their strength increasing dramatically. Great, they can finally fly high.

I gave them rest and food for their efforts.

Slowly but surely all the students woke up and all of them succeeded.

Now they can become strong.

"Congratulations, you have become strong, but that strength must be increased with real practice" I made thousands and trillions of parademons.

"Defeat all those monsters, and congratulations on getting new powers" All students who have a grudge against parademons are excited and will destroy them one by one.

I saw them all unleash their full power without any hesitation.

I was quite touched because in the end they could successfully become strong.

After all the parademons were defeated, I returned them to their original dimension.

and gave them a round of applause, everyone followed me in clapping.

"You are students that I am truly proud of" They cheered and thanked me.

I just laughed at this.

Everyone went back to their classes and I went to the pond to sing with the mermaid.

She was amazed by my dragon form, always touching my wings and tail.

I just giggled at her behavior.

"What's your name? Sorry I forgot to ask" The mermaid was shocked and embarrassed because she forgot to introduce herself.

"My name is Herophile, Greetings Mr. Sur" I shook hands with her, and we continued our singing.

"Oh yes, Tomorrow is my last day here. This is a memento from me, please take care of it" I gave Herophile a beautiful blue eye necklace, I gave the power of divine water in that eye. which surpasses even poseidon and other primordials.

But I sealed that power just in case, it only activates when Herophile needs help.

I wrote another report in the teacher's lounge before I submit it tomorrow.

Then I went home to look at my status window.

>[Innate Ability: 3D]<

>[Status changed Locked to Temporary]<

>[Available Ability:

The Beyonder (Locked)

God Doom (Temporary)

True Satan (Temporary)

True Angel (Temporary)

True Dragon (Temporary)

Primordial Being (Temporary)

God Armor (Temporary)

God Of War (Temporary)

Cursed Holy Blade (Temporary)

Holy Accursed Blade (Temporary)]<

>[Holy Accursed Blade: The sword of the west, the sword assigned to kill gods]<

>[God Armor: I'm fucking invincible]<

[(Temporary)Can only be used at school]

Good descriptions especially the god armor.

"red sun, red sun over paradise"

ehem, I'm singing metal gear again.

Now there's Beyonder left, well now I have to rest, I'm tired.





I wake up and damn it I'm late, I'm over 4 hours late.

Damn it, I take a duck bath, short and quick. Leave for the academy by running.

Damn, damn, damn. On my last day, I'm late.

I arrived at the academy and went straight to the teacher's room.

I checked my schedule, damn it. Now there's parent and teacher assessment again.

I went to the meeting room, ran into the building.

And damn it, I'm late for this event.

"Mr. Sur, you're late" Sorry Mr. Yamamoto I overslept earlier.

"I'm sorry for my carelessness for the second time" I was looked at by the parents sarcastically, this is the teacher's negligence.

Mr. Yamamoto returned to teaching, I sat down and prepared my materials.

Combining the 3 powers of true existence.

How? Is it necessary for the 6 laws to apply.

Angels with laws: Justice, obedience, mercy, purity, firmness, majesty.

Satan with laws: Pride, boredom, greed, gluttony, misfortune, despair.

Dragon with Law: Absolute, Freedom, Greatness, Dominance, Ferocity, Void.

I believe these 6 concepts will help me unlock new power.

"Mr. Sur" I woke up and saw Mr. Yamamoto calling me.

I stood in front of the podium, and prepared.

"Afternoon, My name is Sur. I'm an intern teacher here, now is the last day of my internship, so" I tensed up again.

Damn it, I'm always nervous in front of new people.

"I will show you the merging of impossible transformations." I brought them to the empty dimension again.

Then I collected the energy laws I mentioned.

I turned them into three energies and combined them on my body as a medium.

The three energies collided with each other making the aura in this dimension turbulent, my body glowed three colors of white, red, blue. Like America.

My body turned into full armor with black angel wings.

With the power of the dragon exploding inside me.

I gave off an aura equivalent to an apocalypse creature.

"Hello, this is the form of the 3 laws of nature that I mastered, unfortunately these 3 laws repel each other so they share a place in my body, with the physique of a demon, the magical ability of a high level angel and the power of a dragon god" Everyone was amazed at my new form.

I explained all the laws according to my theory, and some people understood and tried it.

"Remember, you can take these 3 laws but don't forget who you are, whether human, demon, angel, spiritual being. The important thing is that you don't forget yourself, everything will be fine" I saw my students' rapid progress and saw them enter the realm of the real.

Great, now my job is easy.

"Mr. Sur, who are you?" You ask again Brunhilde, I'm tired of you asking the same questions.

"Human, that's all and thank you" I look back at my students who are trying to touch the power they are expecting.

After they finished I took them to another dimension.

A large arena with me standing in the center.

"Your final assignment and test is mine. you must defeat me" I released my powers and all my divine powers. I just became a human who must be able to fight mystical beings.

"I will fight you without any power, as a helpless weak human, against a creature that can kill me with one hit, so. don't hold back or I will kill you in front of your parents" I set up a royal guard stance.

It's time to dance like dante, spam royal guard.

Me and all the students fight, 1 against 360 students.

Am I overwhelmed, no. They will realize that I can't be hurt.

All the sorcery, energy utilization and all the divine power hit me, I blocked it all with royal guard.

Cursed swords, holy weapons, divine weapons I block them all with the royal guard.

I kept blocking without stopping and then I used a technique that I really liked.

I jumped towards the center of the students and hit the ground, they all dodged away from me.

Back at me, I jumped high and then dove towards my students.

"Continent breakdown" I took a stance and hit the ground hard like superman.

My fist touched the arena and broke all of this dimension, we were brought to the original dimension.

Everyone panicked because there was a massive earthquake on this planet.

I pulled out my fist in this building and whistled.

"Oh shit, I seem to have scared the earth" I made a sloppy face and laughed.

Everyone was nagging me, and I just calmed them down.

I finished the lesson this time.

Then I took them to the heaven dimension.

Of course all the students are happy here.

Some of the parents were amazed by this.

I sat on the tree where I usually sleep.

and enjoying the view, I checked my power level.

I will name that form Dåjål.

The destroyer of all things, that's simple.

I rest here until everyone is satisfied here.

"Mr. Sur" I looked at Kikyo who was standing in front of me.

"Yes?" Ms. Kikyo sat next to me and gave me a flower.

I accepted it and transformed this flower.

into a lotus, I placed the lotus over Ms. Kikyo's right ear.

"This is a lotus that symbolizes purity and rebirth. Since you are a kind-hearted holy virgin, Ms. Kikyo" I summoned some spiritual beings and little demons.

We played together with them in this garden, me and Mrs. Kikyo like their father and mother.

Brunhilde came and played with us.

I gave Brunhilde some magic books for her to study, because I'm not an asshole.

I also gave the other teachers parting gifts.

from items to a power enhancer.

Lastly, Mrs. Unohana, I approached her.

"Let's fight, one on one out there. Captain Unohana" I let out a huge bloodthirsty aura. Destroying this dimension, of course Mrs. Unohana just smiled at me.

I dispelled my aura and went to sit in the chair.

It's all over, I've been graded well by the teachers and guardians.

Yes, I can be free.

Some people invited me to their place of origin, even some factions wanted to marry me off to their family.

I refused all because I had to go home quickly to get my beyonder power.

And I was confronted by my students to say goodbye.

Some people were emotional and saddened by my departure.

I used my power to stroke all of their heads.

"Always be healthy, I will visit you when you grow up. remember, don't be naughty. and don't forget me, or I will make you fight parademons again." They laughed and hugged me together.

I got emotional, and cried.

"Don't forget me understand, be a student that I' m proud of there" They nodded and I was getting sad.

I calmed them down and I said goodbye.

"Mr. Sur" Chibi shouted towards me, and waved her hand cheerfully.

"Yes, take good care of yourself loli teacher, later when your body is ideal meet me, maybe we can chat about this universe" I waved my hand to them and went home.

>[Innate Ability: 3D]<

>[Status changed to Temporarily Locked]<

>[Available Ability:

The Beyonder (Temporary)

God Doom (Temporary)

True Satan (Temporary)

True Angel (Temporary)

True Dragon (Temporary)

Primordial Being (Temporary)

God Armor (Temporary)

God Of War (Temporary)

Cursed Holy Blade (Temporary)

Holy Accursed Blade (Temporary)]<

>[The Beyonder: Limitation? What is it?]<

[(Temporary)Can only be used at school]

The Beyonder is finally open, after all this time. It's finally open.

I can change reality and the entire plot of this fanfic. muahahahaahah, thank my creator.

>[Requirements met]<

>[Integrate The Beyonder's Power]<

>>[10 Years : 0 Months : 0 days : 0 Hours : 0 minutes : 0 seconds]<<

>[All powers are sealed in the integration process. it is recommended not to leave the apartment, during the integration process]<

>[Violation will resets the time]<

>[Please wait]<

Damn, damn, damn.

I'm being cockblocked by my fucking creator.

"I will file a complaint with you. Just wait" I gave my middle finger to my status window.

Damn it, what am I going to do here for ten years, sleep?

>[Accelerate Integration]<


Great, I pressed this button.

My world immediately went dark, I seemed to be in a coma.

My body fell into a hidden dimension.

All my apartments were empty and I disappeared from this world.

In this void dimension a status window appears.

>[Enhanced status window]<

>[Limited power]<

>[Innate Ability: 3D]<

>[Status changed Temporary to Sealed]<

>[Available Ability:

The Beyonder (Sealed) >

Without restriction of Law (Sealed)

Without Body restriction (Sealed)

Without limitation of Mind (Sealed)

Without restriction of Soul (Sealed)

Without limitation of Reality (Sealed)

God Doom >

Absolute Magic Knowledge

Zero Energy Magic

Spellless Magic

True Satan >

Control of absolute darkness energy

absolute evil energy control

True Satan form

True Angel >

Absolute good energy control

control of the energy of absolute holiness

True Angel form

True Dragon >

Absolute Concept energy control

Absolute law energy control

True dragon form

Primordial Being >

Chaos > True Chaos

Creation > True Creation

Time > True Time

Light > True Light

Darkness > True Darkness

God Armor >

Perfect Armor for being outside the multiverse

God Of War >

Ability of all battle sciences

Perfect defense ability

Perfect attack ability

Annihilator >

Sword to kill all existence

Holy Accursed Blade >

sword to obliterate all existence]<

>[Power unlocked and confirmed]<

>[Countdown to integration of Beyonder power]<

>[Enjoy your new life, Sur]<