How old are you?

I don't know why I'm here.

I went around all the temples in Japan but didn't find a single well.

This is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.

I asked demons and some spiritual beings to help me, they led me to a mountain top well.

This is strange, it should be right. The plot is at the well of a temple, why is this at the top of a mountain?

I gave some souvenirs to my courier.

And I entered the well.

Hmmm, the laws of dimension and time are here.


I traveled from village to village, everyone looked at me strangely and felt strange.

I was also stopped by government security but I ignored them and kept walking.

I asked some demons here, they led me to the Kikyo Shrine.

After arriving at the shrine, I gave the demons some food and ordered them to leave or they would die here.

They left and I knocked on the temple door.

"Excuse me, is Priestess Kikyo here?" I waited and the door was opened by the old priest.

"The person you're looking for is dead. What are you looking for?" I smiled and gave her a picture of Kikyo, the old lady was surprised by me and then looked up at me.

"I want to see an old friend, can I come inside. I traveled a long way here" The old lady came in and I sat down in her living room.

I saw hordes of strange teenagers, from high school girls, foxes, monks and women with oversized raccoons.

I smiled and sat down with them.

They just looked at me strangely because of my clothes and style, except for the high school girl.

"What's your name?" The grandmother gave me tea and some cookies.

"Sur" There was silence on hearing my name, the grandmother suddenly burst into hysterical tears.

"You? Help my sister, I beg you." Ha? Sister? Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Why is her sister older than Kikyo, this is impossible.

"May I ask, how old are you now?"

She wiped her eyes and told me everything that happened.

This is different from Inuyasha's plot, Kikyo was supposed to die 50 years ago but she actually died 30 years ago.

And this sister of hers, Kaede. heard from Kikyo that I'm the one who can help whenever she asks, if I see her ask me for something.

Damn it, you're the same as Chibi apparently. Kikyo, I'll punish you later.

In this dimension, time runs differently from the original dimension.

"Alright, now I ask you, where is Kikyo?" I drank the tea quietly, it was a little bland, lacking a little sugar.

Kaede doesn't know, I sighed. I wanted a fun adventure but this was a waste of time.

I got up and left the shrine.

I gathered all the evil energy and all forms of demonic and yokai energy.

I gathered stealth energy and a little chaos energy.

I transformed myself into my demonic form, half demon.


The command I spoke made the aura in my body spread in this dimension.

All the demonic beings, demons, and some yokai gathered and bowed to me.

"Thank you for coming, I want you to escort me to someone. I have no tolerance for anyone who disturbs my steps or blocks my way. now lead me" They all nodded and escorted me, I still put on my demon form then looked at Inuyasha's group.

"You guys want to come? Let's go" Inuyasha's group followed and Kaede stayed behind to guard the shrine.

As some demons and monsters offered offerings of human blood or chaos, I was outraged.

"Are you deaf? I ordered you to escort me, I didn't tell you to waste your energy and time on stupid things. Just escort me" They were guilty and apologized to me, I revived the dead and continued the journey.

Those who saw that I could revive a dead person whose body was even mutilated, were impressed and now respected me more.

I kept walking and stopped at a flower field.

I ordered all my attendants to rest.

They agreed and took care of me, and they swore to protect me even if it cost them their lives.

That's too much, you guys are really weird.

I had a little chat with Inuyasha's group. They looked awkward but I relaxed.

"Your Highness, there is a yokai to see you" I got up and went to see who wanted to see me.

And surprise, Sesshomaru and Rin and their group.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you two" My familiar voice made these two people immediately come up to me and salute.

"Mr. Sur" I stroked their heads and we sat down and shared their adventures here.

I'm glad they're happy here, in this dimension.

I continued my journey to the shrine of demon Naraku.

All the creatures here surround this place like they want to destroy it.

"Excuse me, Kikyo return" Before I could finish speaking, an arrow whizzed by my face and hit my head.

"Your Majesty" I raised my hand and stood up, throwing the arrow in my mouth.

So you want to play rough, alright.

I stretched my body, then prepared.

I created millions of bows and I held a small stick and turned it into a divine bow.

"If you don't take cover behind me, don't blame me you die there" All the monsters stood behind me and I aimed all my weapons at Kikyo.

"Don't run away" I shot trillions of arrows at Kikyo, I made all the areas hit by my arrows shatter into pieces with nothing left.

Kikyo fainted and was thrown far back into behind this shrine.

I removed all my bows and created a lotus in my hand.

"O you people, look for this flower everywhere in the world. Protect this flower as if your lives depended on it, if one of you takes, steals, eats this flower" I gave the code for beheading, they bowed and swore.

"Your command is our wish, Your Majesty" They all left except for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's group.

"Oh, if you have any business with the people inside the shrine, please. I'll go first" I went over to Kikyo's body, and the two groups left the shrine.

Time for you to be punished Kikyo.