This is an entertainment place?

I got up and stretched my body.

The sound of my very hard shoulder blades made me feel the ecstasy of pleasure for stretching.

I took a shower, and this time the water could now cleanse my dirty soul, tainted by the stench of society, ehem. I mean the sweat of my hard work yesterday.

I put on formal clothes, and went to the station.

I looked for a train that could take me to the underworld.

After circling around the planet.

I gave up, and went to Issei's house instead.

His house is still the same as before, I met his parents, they said Issei is now moving in his mansion.

Owh, a harem king has been born.

I thanked them and gave them some souvenirs.

On the way I saw Issei's mob, yep. mobbed by his harem.

They seemed to be going to the station, I followed them and finally got into the train car.

I saw the dimension change again, and hell? It's an entertainment center.

I don't know, my first time here.

We arrived, I went to find a bakery, what was it called?

"Excuse me, may I ask? Is there a famous bakery here?" I was shown where the famous bakery was.

I walked and saw this bakery.

'Kurumizawa Bakery'

Ah, yes, the most famous bakery, according to Satania.

The one that can control all of Hell, according to Satania.

that can subdue all demon kings, according to Satania.

That sells the most delicious bread in Hell, according to Satania.

who would definitely give me free bread, if you ask me.

I walked in, and I was a sight to see.

I wander around to check what's available in the pastry aisle.

Hmmm, the variety is good. But the smell and texture balance is a bit lacking.

I then sat down, and saw how busy the shop was.

I kept myself busy by making a portable laptop with a holographic screen.

I saw a movie here, I created pure milk from a virgin woman's breast.

Sorry, cow's milk I mean.

I enjoy my world focusing on my movie, what am I watching?

Industrial society and its future.

What a great science, I finished watching and my pants were pulled down by someone.

I saw a little devil giving me a letter.

'Brother, do you want to be itan's husband?'

Her messy writing and lots of scribbles made me chuckle.

This girl declared her love for me, I stroked her head.

I raised my hand, made stardust in my hand, divine power and crystallized it.

I created a necklace from the stardust.

I stood up and squatted in front of the little girl.

"I'm sorry, child. I still don't want to get married, find someone else worthy of your heart." I kiss the crystal stone, and it shines like a star in the universe.

I put it around this child's neck, may she be a smart demon.

She hugs me, I stroke her head.

She leaves with her parents and waves to me, I wave back.

I sat back down and a red-haired girl approached me.

"Is there anything you like in this shop?" Hmm, how rude, I seem to have ruined this person's personality, I miss her smug face.

"Oh great one, I as a lowly demon am at a loss to choose from all the delicacies on display in there. any advice for me who is stupid for not knowing, what is pleasure?" This red-haired girl was bragging about all her buns with her smug face.

I knew it, she was like before. Too proud of her achievements.

She explained that everything here was her creation and had learned from a teacher who she even boasted was a real demon god.

I chuckled at this girl's story.

"Oh Your Highness, may I ask? What is your name? And what is the name of your teacher?" She lifted her chest high and placed her hands on her waist.

"My name is Satanichia Kurumizawa McDowell. The queen of hell recognized by the demon god. Demon God Sur" I feigned amazement and put a regal effect behind Satanichia.

>[Requirements Met]<

>[Removing the Seal]<

>[The Beyonder

Without Law restrictions (Sealed)

Without restriction of Body

Without restriction of Mind

Without restriction of Soul

Without limitation of Reality (Sealed)]<

>[Requirements To be opened:

No Law restrictions (Defeat Trihexa)

No limitation of Reality (Defeat Galaxia)]

she with a smug face boasts about herself and me.

I feel that my mind is not limited by anything, I can do anything with just a thought.

Let's try it.

"Owh, you mean Sur? He's dead, I killed him" Satania who was laughing earlier is now silent.

She gave off a huge demonic aura even equivalent to the 72 pillars here.

"What?" She glared at me. This is the first time I've seen her really angry. Usually she's the forgiving type.

"You don't believe me, here's the proof" I gave Satania a melon bread with blood on the wrapper.

Satania confirmed the blood, and she got even angrier this time, knowing it was my blood.

"You, I'll finish you" Satania's demonic aura exploded, all the demons here panicked.

I casually smiled in her direction, as several demon elders arrived.

I apologized for the mess, and said it was a misunderstanding.

"You killed my teacher, he was a good man even though he was cruel. I as his student will not forgive you" Sarcasm, love it.

"Don't worry, your teacher is alive. He's on his way here." Satania's aura disappeared in an instant and immediately went to prepare to greet me.

I giggled at her behavior, I then apologized to my fellow demons for this uproar.

"I'm sorry about this, she's actually a good person. it's just that she can't hold her temper" All the demons returned to their activities.

As I sat down again, two new girls arrived, in the style of a brat and a princess.

One with pink hair and one with golden white hair.

"Satania, we're visiting" The pink girl called out to Satania who was wearing her best outfit.

She looked like a queen, I giggled at this.

"Why are you dressed like that?" The girl with golden white hair asked Satania.

"You don't know Gabriel, Mr. Sur is coming, he's going to visit here." These two people immediately changed their attitudes.

and waited for my arrival, even though I was here watching all their behavior.

Gabriel, Satania, and Minki waited for my arrival.

I took a picture of them and framed it here.

with myself behind them with the finger of peace.

That's a nice keepsake.

They waited for a long time, into the night.

But they stayed standing until I arrived.

"If you're tired, just sit down. He'll be there." The three glared at me as if I had no right to interfere.

I walked in front of them and blocked the entrance.

"What are you doing, you are blocking his entrance" Calm down satania the person you are looking for has been in your store since this morning.

"You three have forgotten me, haven't you?" My familiar voice made these three people get carried away.

They hugged me and shouted my name.

I stroked the three heads, they missed me.

The three girls and I had a long story with the food and drinks I created.

I gave these three girls a book, delicious food without worrying about being fat, of course complete with tutorials.

We talked until time seemed to move fast.

I don't mind because I know these three people are good friends.

And now there's one more problem. 10 years of my coma is 5 years passed here.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I disappeared for 5 years and they changed a lot.

I'll really file a protest to my creator.

I'm looking at my watch

yep, now my only job is trihexa and galaxia.

Hmmm what should I do after this.