I traveled the galaxy

I woke up from my deep sleep.

I took a shower and stretched again, Uhmmmm the cracking of my knuckles made my body instantly refreshed.

I meditated, making the entire multiverse my body, looking for a core where star seeds are born.

Owh, in the galaxy of the Milky Way, and the constellation of Sagittarius.

I came out and used my angel form.

I flew, more precisely walked in space.

It's like going up an escalator, looking at beautiful planets, stars and so on.

I met some creatures here, dragons, spirits, and some extraterrestrials.

Aliens? No, it's more like creatures that suck stardust, and their bodies are like imitations of galaxies.

I greeted them all, they greeted me back.

Very friendly, I like it.

I arrived at a pond.

I took off my clothes and swam in this pond.

"Who are you" I was surprised and looked in her direction.

A girl in a long dress with a cute stick.

"Who are you first lady" I swam back here, the water was warm and very comfortable.

"You get out of there, Chaos is coming to eat the galaxy's cauldron" I ignored her, because I am Chaos, lady.

"Lazy, the water is comfortable. Call all the Sailors you can call, please leave me alone, pervert spirit" I mocked the girl and continued my fun, now I dived into this pool.

I feel all the energy in this pool, like it accepts me, welcomes me, wants to be with me. I stroke it by waving my hand slowly in the water.

I know this is the core of the galaxy where all the stars die and new ones come here.

And this place is like welcoming its original master, I immediately meditate here.

All the energy in this water enters and fills my body, like I'm being recharged.

But I feel my beyonder power increasing again and again.

I smiled and opened my eyes.

"Thank you Cauldron, Thank you" I jumped off this pool and got out of the pool.

I then stood on top of the pool with my feet touching the surface of the water.

I then took a deep breath.

"Thank you."



I shouted and closed my eyes and looked around me.

There are so many Sailors here, and damn it they saw my body.

"You're all perverts, you perverted sailors. Chibi, you can educate your students better, and you're a weird white girl. I demand compensation or I'll flip this pool" I covered my body with my homemade clothes and Chibi and the strange girl came over to me.

"You haven't changed Sur" It was you who changed, from Loli to Milf.

"So your name is Sur" yes, and surely we gonna have orgy in mere moment.

"Yes. Greetings to all female power rangers. I'm Sur, Human, not a pervert, not a freak, and please don't be lured or mesmerized by me. I'm not interested in kids like you" They all got angry and made fun of me.

Only Chibi, Usagi and Amy giggled.

"You perverted man"

"You're unethical"

"You shameless monkey"

Hmm sarcasm, no problem.

"Oh no, the clown girls in their colorful outfits are grumbling because I've stained the pool which is literally empty" I then sat down on this surface.

"You, are you one of the chaos group" Miss, I am the chaos.

"You mean that?" I pointed in front of me.

There was a dark black mist, with glowing red eyes and a crystal-shaped light above its eyes.

"Chaos" All the sailors prepared to attack, I then got up and stood up.

"Don't attack, let it be" All the sailors looked at me, and I just smiled at them.

One of them started to attack Chaos, I immediately made her stop. like a statue.

"Calm down and pay attention" I opened my arms wide, Chaos' mist instantly entered my shadow as if I was the father who received him home.

"You? Chaos?" The strange white girl raised her gun at me.

"A,a,a, I'm just a human" I then went back to swimming in this pond.

"Liar, you're going to ruin the universe." All the sailors raised their weapons except three, they knew who I was.

"If I was going to ruin this universe, I would have done it already" I raised my voice more sinister and cruel.

"So shut your mouths or I'll molest you here" I dropped my scary voice and went back to swimming happily in the pool.

All the sailors panicked and covered their clothes, except for three.

I kept swimming and singing the opening song of Sailor Moon.

"Ah, looks like I got a gift" Everyone looked at the woman.

with golden armor and a large army.

Ah, Sailor Galaxia. We can finally meet.

"Now, Kneel for me" Galaxia unleashed her crystal power, all the sailors tried to resist, except for Galaxia's troops.

Uhhhhhh, look at those sailor girl ass, mmmmmmmmm. 9/10.

I got up and released Chaos energy that surpassed this entire universe, I stood up and walked towards Galaxia.

Every step I took, made the Chaos aura inside me increase and increase and increase.

Behind me was a red face smiling broadly at Galaxia's entire army. Galaxia trembled as she saw and felt my power.


All the sailors in Galaxia's army bowed down and Galaxia bowed down to me, then kissed my feet.

aaaaaaa, how sweet of this galactic empress to go to the trouble of kissing my feet.

"I Am Chaos" My voice echoed throughout the universe signaling that I am the true Chaos and all the fragments of Chaos are my slaves, and I am their king and father.

>[Requirements Fulfilled]<

>[Releasing the Seal]<

>[The Beyonder

Without restriction of Law

Without restriction of Body

Without restriction of Mind

Without restriction of Soul

Without limitation of Reality]<

>[Beyonder power has been reached]<

>[Status will reboot]<

>[All power becomes permanent]<

>[Reboot 3..2..1]<

>[Please Wait]<

Ah, finally reality, what was real becomes unreal, what was unreal becomes reality.

I walked back to the pond.

I cut off my leg that was kissed by Galaxia, then my leg was eaten by Chaos.

My leg then grew like new.

I created a throne above this pool.

I sat on it and looked at all the sailors here.

"Would you like some tea?"