Being imprisoned made me realize

I walked out of my apartment, looking very old. with a long beard like Mr. Yamamoto, and hair longer than Galaxia.

Let alone, I walked towards the police station where Akame and Susanoo worked.

"I want to file a report, I accidentally destroyed a dimension. Can I stay in jail for a few days?" All the police here looked at me, and handcuffed me.

I was taken to a cell, and they told me to stay here for a few days. More precisely, 7 days.

Do I have any colleagues in the other cells?

Of course I do, they make fun of me for my old and decrepit body, but don't worry when I'm free, it's your decrepit body.

"Hey, old man. Why don't you destroy this dimension. Let's make a mess here" The cell occupant in front of me challenged me to show my strength.

"If you want me to destroy this dimension, try to free yourself from that cell first." He laughed and kicked the cell door.

I applied a law to the cell door that it could not be tampered with or opened from the inside.

"Is there a problem, sir. Do you want to cry because you're weak?" Me and some of the cellmates laughed at this ridiculousness.

"This is impossible, open this door, damn old man." You don't know any better, open it yourself.

"Why are you blaming me, a weak old man here. You're still young, full of strength looking silly in front of all of us." Everyone laughed at this show.

He still tried to open it, everyone in the cell laughed with satisfaction. And I went to sleep here.

Life in prison is quite comfortable, there are some inmates who bully me, I ignore them.

In the shower I make an illusion with a cannon-sized penis.

If you want to fuck my ass, try to survive this monster cock.

And I got the nickname old man monster cock.

I laughed when I found out my nickname.

Day after day passed, I just looked at the ceiling of my cell which was so ordinary.

Then for some reason all the inmates whistled, it seemed there was a new female warden again.

"Sur" I looked at the woman who came, oh kikyo it was.

"Kikyo, it's been a year since we've seen each other. How's Kaede? Is she still healthy? What about those two damn foxes. Do they have any offspring yet?" Kikyo giggled and gave me 5 feathers of my angel wings.

"You told me not to come here. Use these feathers to find you, and I found you." I went over to her and stroked her head.

"Good job dora, here's your reward" I took the 5 feathers, turning them into a divine bow.

Blue in color like my dragon wings.

"This is a bow that I created and can only be used by you. No target can escape this bow's shot, so keep it. Oh speaking of you coming here, where do you live?" Kikyo accepted my bow, and it turned into a pin with 5 angel wings spinning around it, attached right to the hem of her miko robe.

"Thank you, Sur. I don't know how to repay you. I'm now staying at the temple around here, the priest there accepted me to stay. Come visit when you have time." You can reply to me on all fours, I want to see your ass.

Or do you turn around and try to lift your shrine skirt, showing me the whole bakery hidden there, please?

Ehem, ehem, not the time, I hope that priest is not a pervert or I will make him into Trihexa food.

"Sure, please make the food better than me, or do you want to eat better from me" Kikyo giggled and nodded, you bitches. You really are too spoiled for me.

Kikyo then left and gave me a message to meet her, I waved at her.

"Old man, your name is Sur?" All the cellmates asked me.

"Yes, I am Sur. I am the culprit who destroyed the dimension, and this is the punishment I get by making myself imprisoned. and fortunately I didn't kill you here especially you young man, after I get out of here. do you want to see yourself disappear thousands to trillions of times?" all the residents refused, tsk come on.

"You are not cool, pray tomorrow you can see your cell lights" I laughed and my laughter got scarier and scarier until I growled and then fell silent.

The next day I was free, I tidied up all my appearance, like before. with long hair of course. because it was cool with this model, I could slap people with my ponytail hair.

"Ah, one more thing." I created a shadow in the young man's cell. A shadow of him.

"Go fuck yourself" The shadow then fucked the real body, the inmate's screams were heard throughout the police force.

I made the shadow disappear when the police came to his cell.

I was content to live there, it turns out there are people who are more assholes than me there.

yep time to meet kikyo.

>[Requirements Fulfilled]<

>[Primordial Being enhanced]<

>[Power list:

True Chaos

True Time

True Creation

Absolute Light

True Darkness]

>[Enhancement requirements:

True Chaos (apologize to galaxia)

True Time (Meet all primordial beings in this universe)

True Creation (Free Trihexa)

True Darkness (Defeat Some Gods)]<

Hm what's the difference? With true light? We'll try it at Kikyo Shrine later.

I walked until I arrived at the shrine, it was very clean.

I followed the rules to enter the shrine and prayed at the shrine.

'I pray for Kikyo's happiness'

I then sat on the steps of the shrine.

I whistled the song twinkle twinkle little Shit.

Then suddenly everything went dark and black.

I stopped my whistling, who turned off the lights?

I saw a shape in the darkness.

"You!" This form approached me and I looked into its dark eyes. Was it wearing glasses?

"Why do you have my power?" Tsk, I sighed. I stood up and tried my new power, Absolute Light.

My body shone brightly, illuminating the entire realm, dimension, and world.

This dark realm disappeared as if it was afraid of me. After finishing, I returned my power and sat down again.

"Do you have business with me? Go away, I'm waiting for someone here" I whistled the song again.

In the shadows appeared a girl dressed all in black, like Ophis but Ophis was cuter.

"Who are you?" Same question, can't try with another question.

"Your Papa" I ignored the girl and continued my whistle.

Where is Kikyo now? I'm bored here.

"Fight Me" I stood in front of her, and blasted her body with absolute light like helios in god of war.

She screams in pain and shields her face, her body is on fire and I continue my attack.

After she begs, I stop this and sit back down.

Her body is on fire and her clothes are scorched, making me smell the fragrant roast meat.

She was crying so hard, I healed her and ignored her again.

"Sur" I saw Kikyo coming and I immediately stood in front of her, putting my finger on her forehead.

"What took you so long" I poke my finger again.

"I went to buy groceries" I stopped my flick on his forehead.

oh I don't know, you went to buy groceries.

"Who's that girl?" I carried Kikyo's bag of food, and walked to the front of the shrine.

"I don't know, she suddenly attacked me. Let her be, she's just an old girl who doesn't know her manners." I entered the shrine and Kikyo took the girl inside.

I cooked and served them.

We ate together, Kikyo missed my cooking.

Yes, yes, yes, it's noisy.

Just eat it, or I'll eat your body.