Civil war just because of different goals

I ate my chips.

This was an exciting battle, those shinigami who had lost their bankai earlier, came back and were more perfect than before.

"This is impossible" Of course it's impossible Ywach, because your mustache can't smell such a small trick.

"It must be that variable" Ping pong, you're right. Now for the main course is this.

Pistachio ice cream.

So delicious, this ice cream.

Come on, come on I'm rooting for you quincy guys.

Support you to lose, Woooooo.

All shinigami are up-in-hand about this battle, casualties from their camp. zero, Quincy is now only a few left.

It's been a massacre from the start, Quincy can't win.

"Ishida" Here comes our MC.

The glasses boy who looked like Aizen saw Ichigo approaching him.

Ywach attacked Ichigo, unfortunately Ichigo was now much stronger.

Quincy blood mixed with hollow, Shinigami blood mixed with human, plus Full Bringer.

with a little popapip, Boom. Ichigo is equivalent to yamamato , Half times stronger than unohana, if that woman is serious about fighting.

Ichigo and Ywach fight, Let's see brothers. Literal struggle of Quincy Father.

"This is beyond reason" Plot armor Ywach, you're just the antagonist here. Shut your mouth and go to the soul king immediately.

Ywach and Ichigo fight then Ywach takes a shortcut.

Ichigo's bankai was stolen and Ywach went to Soul king to suck his dick.

I applauded everyone for their efforts.

"You're not helping us?" Good question captain.

"It's your war, more like an inevitable war. I don't want to interfere in this. Oh yes, Ichigo come here" I restore Ichigo's power and unite it.

Oh shit, I'm now making Ichigo too strong again.

I turned his human body into a human with an extraordinary level of adaptation.

With his Quincy blood, I made Ichigo's coordination and accuracy of attacks extremely smooth.

With the overwhelming destructive power of the hollow, now Ichigo's attacks can be like mugen, even splitting dimensions.

Last is Shinigami, I use one absolute law until this war is over. Shinigami ichigo's power cannot be stolen or disappear.

"Mr. Sur, thank you" I stroked Ichigo's head, good boy.

Full bringer how? That is Ichigo's business for him to develop. I'm not always a guardian angel.

The soul palace was sealed, and help came from the Shinigami camp.

Look, Espada and that arrancar.

They're strong now, I applaud.

"Mr. Sur" Tier and the three beasts bowed before me.

"You guys managed to become strong, as proof. Try to destroy the Protector." They released their resurrection, and merged their cero into their resurrection form.

and attacked the Protector.

Wow, this is so great.

Everyone is storming the Soul palace, I'm enjoying this with my chips.

Then they went back to fighting, until Ywach made a new army for him.

It's himself, Bunshin no jutsu.

Boring, you need your shadow to defeat a buffalo? That's so lame of you quincy.

After finishing his 'trick', Ywach used the borrowed power from the Soul King.

Attacking us all, Ah suck. Now the shinigami are overwhelmed until Gotei 0 comes.

New reinforcements are coming.

they won again.

Ywach lost, Ichigo managed to beat him. Proud of him.

"Ichigo, you are strong. beyond Spirit King, I am Proud to be your teacher" I patted Ichigo's shoulder, Ichigo bowed his head and thanked me.

everyone rejoiced that this war was over.

Now there is one problem. Mommy needs to be punished by myself.

"Unohana, Now there's a test from me. Let's go back to your division." I took Unohana to her division.

And I immediately summoned the annihilator, Unohana's bloodthirsty aura appeared again at the sight of this sword.

We arrived at the division assembly room.

And looking at each other, I looked into Unohana's bloodthirsty eyes.

"Disgusting, put on a face like this" I showed a face of mad ecstasy over all the silliness. like a joker.

We put on our best faces and started slashing at each other.

I don't need dark slayer vergil, just royal guard, standard samurai fighting.

Unohana danced in her big robe, I just stood motionless, attacking and blocking her attacks.

"Come on, Sur. Dance, die, die. Let's fight until one of us falls" Unohana laughed hysterically. Hmm, how about a sexual fight? Who will fall first? You or me?

"How about you dance beautifully while I fuck you" I started slashing quickly, tearing off all her robes leaving only her undergarments.

Unohana continued to attack, not caring about her almost half-naked body.

I ducked and attacked unohana, slashing three times and pushing unohana with the hilt of my sword.

Unohana was knocked back and she fell face down.

Look at that upturned ass, I'll beat it like a drum later.

Unohana got up and used her bankai, now unohana can use the bankai technique I taught her.

Blood armor. That's the name of the bankai technique I made for unohana.

"This technique is good, I like it" Thank you, but I like it better when you're naked.

"Really? If I can rip off all your clothes with my bare hands. Don't blame me if I eat you" Unohana laughed and coded with her finger 'Come at me'.

Be careful what you wish for.

I threw the Annihilator into the sky, with Pure Raw power. I arrived in front of Unohana tearing off her bankai armor and the last of her robes.

Mommy Milkies, thats some huge titties.

Unohana covered her breasts, and backed away.

"You pervert, do you have only perverted thoughts?" Indeed, I was horny looking at your breasts, and I had the priority to suck on them like a baby.

"Blame that sexy body of yours, no matter how strong my faith is, if I see a sexy and beautiful woman like you. I will definitely get you" I made my hands like gripping a ball.

"You think I'm a trophy?" Nope, you're the whole bakery, and a bakery that serves the best cakes here.

"No, you are my beloved rival, if you can't keep up with me in what you love, 'fighting', maybe you can keep up with something else" Unohana raised her zanpakuto and pointed it at me.

"Beat me first" Unohana used bankai again, this time the armor was full body and unohana brought out all the bankai variations I had taught her. Very good.

I was very happy to see this, because I could finally see the true development of Unohana.

My clothes are melting from the rain of blood and oxygen here.

"You're more perverted than me, look. You melted all my clothes" I was now fully naked, unohana glanced at my genitals and looked back into my eyes. and gripped her zanpakuto tightly.

"You should be melting, how come you're still standing" I moved towards unohana, thrusting her zanpakuto into my body. It continued deeper until unohana's own hand penetrated my body and touched my heart.

"Squeeze my heart like a ball and break it" I looked into unohana's eyes, unohana smiled and crushed my heart.

I vomited blood and gasped for air.

"You won, Now your score is still 1 while I have thousands of times, so I will give you this" I kissed unohana and embraced her.

I put my tongue in unohana's mouth and we played with our tongues inside.

Once satisfied, I broke the kiss and I fell down.

I spit out blood again, wow this sword is serious that I will bleed heavily if stabbed.

Good, good.

I looked at Unohana and smiled.

"Mommy" I then slept, I was tired man. at least I was satisfied kissing and tasting that woman's tongue.

Now, let's wait for our fruit to ripen.