Siren Town

When Bai Liu woke up, he found himself sitting in the back seat of a car. The interior of the car was narrow and narrow. The back of the dilapidated seat was full of realistic smoke. There was no water flow from the car window, and the drizzle outside the window could be seen vaguely from the glass. The sky was drowsy, and he couldn't tell whether it was dusk or night. There was still a lightness in his nose, which made him uncomfortable with the smell of salty fish.

There is a floating panel in front of him with game instructions written on it.

Bai Liu frowned.

Where is this, why is he here and what is this panel

This panel seems to be able to perceive the questions in his mind, and the answers are displayed on it in turn.

You are in a deadly game, and the reason why you are here is because we detected that you have exploded a huge amount of money after losing your job. It is so strong that it meets the conditions for starting the game.

As the words on the panel appeared one by one, Bai Liu finally remembered something.

Yes, yes, he is unemployed.

And he is a person with a fierce desire for money. He has always loved money to an abnormal level since he was a child. He was even diagnosed by a psychologist as a patient with money hoarding. Fate matters.

When working, Bai Liu still had a certain fixed income every month to barely restrain his desire for money, but when he lost this job, Bai Liu fell into a kind of uncontrollable, and even wanted to hoard money desperately. His psychiatrist said that this is the normal state of mind for laid-off social animals. Let him adjust and calm down, go out to see the world and relax.

Bai Liu just wanted to sneer after hearing this. Without money, he can only see **** but not the world when he goes out.

Bai Liu satirizes the psychologist "After I go out to see the world, can I become rich?"

The psychologist exclaimed, "Of course not, you will become poorer."

Bai Liu"" Damn you, don't you know what will happen?

"But when you become poorer, you will find" the psychologist comforted Bai Liu, "there is nothing more than being poor. Money is something outside the body, why bother yourself so painfully"

Bai Liu expressionlessly asked the psychologist, "Is it painful to meet a patient like me?"

The psychiatrist ""suffered.

Bai Liu chuckled, "Why are you tossing yourself so painfully? Why don't you quit your job and go for a walk?"

The psychiatrist ""for money, dare not go out without money.

Wang cried out.

After telling how many psychiatrists he didn't know about crying, Bai Liu clapped his hands and sighed, Qiong is really the best weapon to attack mankind.

It hurts one thousand self and eight hundred others.

Fortunately, this psychologist is free in the community, otherwise Bai Liu would be even poorer.

After Bai Liu was unemployed, he fell into a kind of extreme anxiety, and he couldn't adjust it at all. In his dreams, he could dream that he became rich overnight, sitting in the pile of money and laughing happily. After waking up, he was sad and lonely, and found that he had only five savings. number.

In this kind of unquenchable, laid-off anxious self-conflict, Bai Liu has nothing to do with his chin and dreams. If there is a way to make money with high risks in this world, he can die, but he wants money.

He told his friend his thoughts, and the friend comforted him. Did you see the criminal law on the shelf on the wall?

Bai Liu said he saw it.

My friend said, you just turn to the page to find one. The above is a high-risk profitable job. If you work hard, you can still get on the urgent list this month.

White Willow ""

Bai Liu doesn't want to break the law, but there is no such thing as a quick way to make money without breaking the law. My friend said that you dream faster.

Even if it is desperate, he wants Qian Bailiu to lie in bed and dream, lose consciousness and get involved in this game at the last moment, thinking so.

When the memories were over, Bai Liu looked at the game panel floating in front of him.

A line of words appeared on the panel again, it was you who started the game strongly, and as long as you successfully pass the game, you will get everything you want

Bai Liu didn't hesitate, "I want money."

No matter what his game is, he just wants to make money.

After a while, Bai Liu asked again, "Is this your game legal?"

Panel is legal

You will get points for clearing the game on the panel, and the points can be exchanged for money and everything you want

Bai Liu "What kind of game is this, what do I have to do to get through the level and get the points you said"

Panel This is a horror escape game, which is full of ghosts, murderers, and incredible things. What you have to do is to find out their weaknesses, complete the entire story of the game, and survive from them.

Loading the game copy

Game copy name Siren Town

Level 1 players whose mortality rate is less than 50% are level 1 games

Single player mode

Overall, this is a game that combines stimulating action and decryption. It is very popular among players, but it does not seem to be very friendly to newcomers. The death rate of newcomers is very high.

Player information is loading

Player name Bai Liu

The player's attack power decreases after the health value of 100 is lower than 60, and the player dies after returning to zero

A stamina value of 80

Agility 25 You sit at the desk all the year round, your whole body is rigid, not very agile

Attack 30 Only female high school students have the ability to attack people with their schoolbags

Intelligence 89 You are unexpectedly smart

Lucky 0 You are surprisingly unfortunate all your life. If your company wants to lay off one person, that person must be you

No skills you don't have any skills

Spirit of 100 You are the first player to log in to the game and still maintain a full mental value

There is a line of small red annotations below the mental value.

Note: Players are requested to ensure that their spirit value is higher than 60. If the spirit value is lower than 60, the player will be confused. The attributes of each character panel will be cut in half. If it is lower than 40, the player will see content that is not part of the in-game illusion, resulting in difficulty in game clearance. Intensified, lower than 20 will arouse the player's madness, the attack power panel attribute will increase strongly, killing all kinds of creatures, and the player with a spirit value of 0 will be completely assimilated by the instance and become a member of the monster in the instance

The player panel attributes comprehensively evaluate the f-level players, the lowest-level players, but due to the special determination of mental value and intelligence, the rating is doubtful, and the final player level is recorded as f

After Bai Liu scanned the complete personal panel, looking at the question mark behind the f, he felt like he was being ridiculed in an unobvious manner. He crossed out the character panel and jumped out of the new panel.

You have logged in to the small TV screen 1100 in the newcomer area. No one stops for you at present. The popularity value of the player Bailiu is 0, and the gold rate is 0.

Bai Liu frowned, "What is this?"

Panel Your game process will appear on the small screen in the newcomer area of ​​the player lobby for other players to watch, but no one is watching your gameplay, and no one is watching your gameplay. You are currently unknown.

Bai Liu understands a little bit. It's the form of a game anchor, but it doesn't matter. He focuses on the krypton gold rate. "Someone is krypton gold for me, can I get points, right?"

The panel is

Then the game starts, good luck, new player

The panel was like a TV screen turned off, and disappeared after a white light flashed in front of Bai Liu's eyes.

And in a certain game lobby, a small screen suddenly lit up, showing Bai Liu Qingjun's white face, and there are many screens around this screen, on which there are various newcomers, players panic and collapse faces, and people are howling. Crying and hitting the screen constantly, it seemed that they couldn't accept the reality and wanted to come out of it, and some people shrank into a ball and hugged their heads, as if they could not accept reality at all.

And Bai Liu didn't look frightened, and he was totally out of the ordinary among the panicked rookies.

Everyone looked up at this bright screen that suddenly came up again, and they discussed interestingly.

"Another newcomer has come in. I don't know how many days it will last."

"Look at the background, it's a copy of the game in Siren Town"

"The luck of these newcomers is really bad. The mortality rate of newcomers in Siren Town is very high. Didn't you log in one hundred last time, and there was only one left?"

"Recently, it's too difficult to randomly give newcomers a copy of the game, but it's still quite funny to see these newcomers running out of fright."

"Wow, you are too bad, but this newcomer is going to be so scared that his nose and tears will flow together soon."

"Wait." Suddenly, a passing player seemed to have discovered something extraordinary. He approached the small TV screen of Bai Liu. He looked at the attributes of Bai Liu's character panel and said unbelievably, "Here is a new player with 100 mental value to log in."


"I have to see what to do"

"Rely on the newcomers are so perverted now, is the spirit worth 100"

"The last login with a mental value of 100, is now in the top ten of the game's total scoreboard."

"I'll go, the seeds of potential make me healthy too"

Bailiu's small TV flickered, and a mechanical tone reported flatly.

Fifty people crowded around to watch the player's Bailiu TV screen. The player Bailiu achieved the fledgling achievement and unlocked the one-click three-link system

Twenty-eight people liked the video of player Bailiu, and fifty-six people favorited the player's Bailiu TV, and no one charged the player Bailiu. Please continue your efforts

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