Siren Town

Bai Liu followed Jeff's line of sight, the mermaid statue still bowed his eyebrows, staring at the water, motionless.

Andre was taken aback by Jeff's scream, and gave Jeff a fist viciously. "Fuck it, and it didn't move at all. If you are so surprised, I will bring you out of your voice. I think you are still called?

Jeff clutched himself with a fist, gave Andre a scared look, curled himself up into a ball, and muttered to himself "She moved, she really moved"

Lucy was also a little hairy by Jeff, she smiled reluctantly, "Jeff, why are you so sure that it is not your dazzling, but this mermaid statue is sure to move this mermaid statue without eyeballs, how do you know her? Watching you"

This is a milky white marble mermaid statue. Although the eyes are carved, there are no black eyeballs. Its entire eyes are pure white, just like a dead creature with eyes and no beads standing at the entrance of the hotel.

"Did you not find out?" Jeff's voice became lower and lower, and he was still a little trembling, "No matter where our car drives, our car is looked directly at by this statue, and her eyes must be moving"

"Why do I think about this?" Lucy was obviously relieved, and finally smiled comfortably, "It's the same as the smiling portrait of Monalisa, right? No matter what angle you think the master is looking at herself."

"No, no matter what the angle of the portrait, the person is looking at his own situation. The intelligent two-dimensional plane is generated. The three-dimensional can't be generated. That is to say, the statue is impossible." Bai Liu calmly refuted Lucy, "Jie Wolf said it was right, this statue has indeed been staring at us."

Just like the townspeople, they started to stare at them as soon as they came in, as if they were watching prey that entered their hunting range.

What kind of monster this thing should be.

Just after his thoughts fell, Bai Liu's chest shook abruptly, and a brand new panel popped up. The game panel turned into a thick and old book like a medieval book, slowly opening in front of Bai Liu.

Congratulations to players for discovering the first monster in the game and unlocking Monster Book Siren Town Special 14

A photo appeared on the page of the book. The pale face of the mermaid sculpture was immersed in the deep sea, revealing half of his face. The eyes looked out of the photo without sculpted eyeballs and silently stared at the white willow, as if to crawl out of the photo.

Monster Name Mermaid Sculpture Pupa State

Unknown attack value, unlocked, unlocked after battle

Attack method not explored

Weakness not explored

Those question marks seemed to be wet with ink and stains, and the specific handwriting could not be seen clearly, and fluorescent fonts floated behind to explain.

There is a line of explanatory text below the weakness

Note: After exploring and completing the information of the monster book page, you can get corresponding points rewards and special rewards. Collect all the monster book pages of a game copy, and you can take away some of the most precious monsters in the game copy.

The Monster Book in Siren Town has four pages. The next page, Bailiu, can't be turned. It shows that it hasn't been unlocked. It should be a monster in another copy of the game.

It's a bit like fighting monsters and getting rewards. The higher the monster's danger level, the better things you can get in the end.

But looking at the conditions of exploration, there are even battles, this is entirely to encourage players to be provocative monsters.

The fighting power is only as large as the schoolbags of female high school students. Bai Liu stroked his chin deeply.

Lucy hugged Bai Liu's hand in a panic, "Is she really moving?"

"How is it possible?" Andre also seemed to be infected by Bai Liu Zhenzhen's rhetoric. There was a moment of fear on his face, but he was quickly suppressed. He mocked Bai Liu, "Bai Liu, if you are a coward, if you don't want to prove to Lu Xi Ai, greedy for life and fear of death make up these reasons to want to escape, you just run away and after you go back, you will automatically give up Lucy, then kneel down and lick my leather shoes and pee.

This should be the content of the bet between Bai Liu and this Andre.

The driver looked strangely moved, but in the end Zhuang Ruo usually teased, "It's too late, you guys are wrong, there are no moving statues, if there are, our town has long been protected as a tourist attraction. But you can make a lot of money. The mermaid statue is just a feature of our town. There are everywhere, nothing special."

"Here, you get off the car, take a good rest tonight, get up tomorrow morning and have fun." The driver opened the door and sent them off.

Bai Liu looked back at the mermaid statue in the fountain. From a distance, the statue was still facing them, with his head lowered docilely. He looked at the water without looking at them.

But Bai Liu clearly remembered that when their car just drove in, the front of this mermaid statue was not facing the entrance of the hotel, but facing the entrance.

There are also two mermaid statues on the left and right at the entrance of the hotel, with a scepter in his hand and a strange twisted smile on the corner of his mouth. They seem to be pretending to be waiters to welcome them, but their expressions seem to be forced to stand here to welcome tourists. general.

After they walked into the hotel, they found that there were statues of big and small mermaid everywhere, even behind the cashier there was a statue of a waiting mermaid, with money in his hand, as if it was cashing in.

Just like the driver said, the mermaid statue seems to be a characteristic of Siren Town and can be seen everywhere, but it is too much. From the decoration of the floor lamp mermaid statue to the mermaid carving pen holder at the front desk, this is not everywhere, but inseparable. Up.

And these mermaid statues have one characteristic. Bailiu found that no matter where he went to the corner of the house, these mermaid statues placed in different places would give him the feeling of looking directly at him, but these mermaid statues did not have eyeballs, and logically there were no pupil statues. It's hard to give people the feeling that it is staring at you, but Bai Liu feels that way.

With such a large number, the densely placed marble statues of mermaid staring at you are really uncomfortable, even if you keep yelling and mocking Bai Willow as a coward, Andre got goosebumps after coming in, rubbing his arms, Jeff She shivered and hid behind Andre, as if he was not afraid of Andre hitting him.

Lucy Xiaoniao held Bailiu's arm happily, her face was pale as a rose, and she seemed to be shocked by this strange hotel decoration.

And Bai Liu calmly communicated with the front desk, "Hello, my surname is Bai, I have booked a hotel before."

At the front desk is a young man with pale complexion like marble. He wore a long Scottish skirt under the floor. He walked and had a meal. It seemed that he had some mobility. When the young man stood still, it was even hard to tell whether he was a statue or a statue. Real people.

Bai Liu and his party leaned over. When this person suddenly moved, Lucy was even taken aback. She thought it was the statue that moved, covering her face and exclaiming, "Oh, God, you are as white as a statue."

"Sorry." The front desk looked at them and apologized, "I have albinism, I am scared to you, sorry, Mr. Bai, did you book four rooms a week ago, booked for a week, the cost and payment, the room card is here ,I wish you happy."

Bai Liu took the room card. When he saw the four rooms, he was actually relieved.

He didn't want to sleep in the same room with Ms. Lucy. Lucy seemed to understand this. The woman who was scared just now recovered quickly. She used one kind, oh baby, you are so shy He looked at Bai Liu jokingly, but was ignored by Bai Liu without changing his face.

"I want to ask, why are there so many mermaid statues in your hotel"

The front desk replied calmly, "Sir, the mermaid gave us everything. The town of Siren had nothing. Since the mermaid carcass was salvaged, more and more tourists came here. We gained money and had everything, so we are very grateful. Mermaid, here, every household has many mermaid statues, which exist like amulets for us."

Bai Liu pointed to the mermaid statue behind the front desk. "Your mermaid statues are rich in types, and there are all kinds of them. The one behind you looks exactly like you, and it seems that the material is different from other statues."

In fact, it's no wonder that Lucy couldn't distinguish between the man and the statue. The mermaid statue behind the front desk looked exactly like the front desk, and even the expression was more vivid and painful, and even a bit hideous.

The mermaid statue stared straight at the front desk standing in front of it. No matter where the front desk went, it didn't look away. It seemed to run out of the statue with teeth and claws, and the front desk looked exactly like yourself. People shudder, but the material looks more crisp and thin, not as thick as other mermaid statues, and looks a little shabby.

"It's sir." The front desk raised his eyes and looked directly at Bai Liu. "The mermaid statue behind is my amulet. We will carve the mermaid like us. When disaster strikes, these mermaid sculpture amulets will be mistaken for us by the devil. Let us take the risk first."

Bai Liu felt a little bit interesting. This amulet statue was obviously different from other mermaid statues.

Players get a new understanding of Siren Town Monster Book Mermaid statue panel refresh

Monster name Mermaid statue pupa status, amulet statue cocoon status

The pupa and cocoon, the monster named mermaid statue, have two different states

Bai Liu slowly pondered that the pupa is in the state that the adult worm has not broken its shell, and that the cocoon breaks into a butterfly. The cocoon is the state after the adult has successfully hatched. It can also be said that it leaves the shell and protects its own shell. Conspiracy

It is estimated that this mermaid statue also has insect and butterfly states. The two states of white willow should feel more aggressive than pupa and cocoon. At present, the mermaid statue in pupa and cocoon state has no intention to actively attack people, but it may be that the attack method is Bai Liu didn't realize that, such as mental pollution. He felt that the mermaid statue in the hall was staring at the player, which was quite mental pollution.

Bai Liu handed out the room card, Lucy lingeringly wanted to sleep in a room with him, but Bai Liu thought I hadn't proved myself brave for you, and I didn't deserve to have you. Lucy went back and was moved. Before, he was very hot about kissing Bai Liu, but was stopped by angry Andre.

Thank you Andre I hope Andre won't have any trouble tonight

Bai Liu hoped from the bottom of his heart that Andre could live a little longer, otherwise he would be really not good at parrying Lucy.

This girl is enthusiastic and generous and likes to make **** very much. If the other party grows a few white willows, she will never escape today. Bai Liu feels that Lucy really wants to eat him. Bai Liu has been taken advantage of by her along the way. , Touched his little hand for a while, touched Bailiu's thigh for a while, so that Bai Liu, the miser, wanted to tell Lucy that his body was also his private property, so touch for five yuan.

Bai Liu used his room key to open his room, and as soon as he opened it, he paused and walked in.

Bai Liu plays the role of this nc. It is a better room. The decorations in the room are exquisite and meticulous, but the room is full of mermaids from the lamp shape to the sculptures on the bedside table. Once Bai Liu brushes in, the eyes of these Bai Sensen mermaid sculptures seem insignificant. Moved the ground and looked at Bai Liu.

Panel pops out

Activate the main mission, Bai Liu will spend tonight safely in the house, survive until tomorrow, and will not be incubated mission to complete the reward 20 points, please remember to bookmark the website or remember the website, website, free and fastest update No anti-theft, no anti-theft report chapter To find books and chat with book friends, please add the qq group 647377658 group number