The Main Reason

Bai Liu could hear the marble colliding on the door with a crisp sound, and the door handle also moved twice at this time. Although the door had been locked, the door handle was vigorously twisted outside the door by the mermaid sculpture, and the fragile metal broke out. Sound, it sounds like it will be scrapped soon, and then the mermaid sculpture outside the door forcibly broke into the door, even the door began to shake.

This thing seemed to want to come in. It searched around Bai Liu's room with dead white eyes. It seemed to find that there was no one in the room. It seemed that it had left the door of Bai Liu. The door handle did not move, and the room became silent. Quietly again, the other party seemed to have left.

But Bai Liu still held his breath. He remembered that when the thing moved, it would make a very dull noise. It would be wrong to have no such sound. The mermaid sculpture didn't leave at all, most of them still quietly guarding his door.

This thing was deceiving him and inducing him to come out, Bai Liu thought, he squinted and found that the cat's eyes that had returned to the color of the carpet suddenly turned into protruding white eyeballs.

That thing is still there

This thing didn't seem to give up after waiting for a while, but still wanted to come in, the door handle was suddenly twisted into a protruding broken shape, and it was about to fall from the door.

The mermaid sculpture outside the door is coming in

The audience in front of the Bailiu TV screen had already closed their eyes unbearably.

"It's rare to see a seeded player, it's a pity."

"The main reason is that the dungeon of Siren Town is too disgusting, this is not the difficulty of the novice dungeon at all, it is completely killing people for the novice."

"Why is this, I am still very optimistic about him, the spirit is worth a hundred talents"

"What about a hundred, his other attributes are also very common. A copy like Siren Town, I don't know the first time I go in, let alone newcomers. I don't know the specific weaknesses of mermaid sculptures. Veterans in this place are also about to die. , How bad is the newcomer to pass the level"

Bai Liu's brain turned rapidly, and his breathing slowed down.

The game clearly told him that these ghost monsters have weaknesses, and players can use their weaknesses to escape from these monsters, so the current way to break the game is to find weaknesses that restrict the movement of this thing.

Bai Liu closed his eyes and recalled the whole process of staying in tonight.

As long as it is a game, it has solutions, and games without solutions are the most rubbish. Bai Liu has been making horror games for so many years, and he is very sure that there must be some hints of the weakness of other fish sculptures.

what is it

Bai Liu calmly began to sort out all the scenes where he encountered the mermaid sculpture.

The first time was at the fountain outside the hotel. Jeff exclaimed that he saw the mermaid sculpture move. The movement was silent, just turning behind the car. The mermaid sculpture did not look directly at them, but was looking at the water. .

The second time was in the hotel lobby, with a huge number of various mermaid sculptures, looking directly at them without moving.

The third time was in a hotel room. Except for the huge mermaid sculpture looking in the mirror, the other mermaid sculptures looked directly at Bai Liu. After Bai Liu fell asleep, they started to move. The mirror mermaid moved the fastest, but Bai Liu woke up. The sculpture does not move.

But apparently Bai Liu staying awake is not a condition to restrict the movement of the mermaid sculpture, because the mermaid sculpture outside the door is ready to break in.

The game will not be unbreakable, there must be something on his body that can restrict the movement of the mermaid sculpture.

It's not the things in the room or the hotel. It must have been brought by Bailiu, because the hotel and room things cannot restrict the movement of the mermaid sculpture. This can be proved by the fact that the sculpture can freely enter and exit from the room of Jeff.

what is it

Mirror, water, sleep, look straight

Bai Liu knows what it is

Bai Liu stood up abruptly, and opened the door to look directly at the mermaid sculpture.

The sculpture outside the door is close enough to be seen from Bailiu's point of view. This lifeless mermaid statue looks like it is stuck to the tip of Bailiu's nose. Its palm is still on the white willow doorknob, and its pure white beadsless eyes are looking through the cat's eyes to the lower right corner. That is Bai Liu's hiding place.

No wonder this thing must come in, it should have seen the white willow hidden in the lower right corner behind the door.

It stopped moving, its fish tail had already touched Bai Liu's toe, and at the last moment it stepped into Bai Liu's room, it stood still in front of Bai Liu's door.

Bai Liu breathed a sigh of relief, sure enough, the weakness of keeping this thing still is the human eye.

The crowd in front of Bailiu TV was stunned.

"Fuck him why he didn't hesitate when he just opened the door"

"Novice players can't think of it at all. Even if they think of it, they don't dare to open the door. They only dare to look directly through the cat's eyes. That is undoubtedly dead. Because the mermaid sculpture will only be partially affected by the mirror image of the cat's eyes at close range. Restrictions, enough to break in."

"Wory, when he met the mermaid sculpture, I got goose bumps"

"What's his name, so awesome, this newcomer"

The crowd gradually gathered around Bailiu TV.

168 people watched the player Bailiu TV, and the player Bailiu achieved the achievement of "Hundred Players"

102 people liked Bailiu TV, 143 people collected Bailiu TV, 3 people charged Bailiu TV, player Bailiu got 3 points

On the small TV, Bai Liu's expression remained calm and calm, as if he didn't think he had done anything extraordinary.

It is actually very simple to infer the weakness that the human eye will restrict the movement of the mermaid sculpture.

Because Bai Liu went to bed, these sculptures began to move, and after waking up, these sculptures stopped instantly. The only difference before and after he went to bed was that he opened his eyes, which shows that the human sight can restrict the movement of the mermaid sculpture.

But there is a trap here. Looking at this kind of thing through a mirror-like object will only weaken the movement speed of some mermaid sculptures. You must look straight to stop the movement of the mermaid sculpture.

There are two kinds of sculptures that can be moved under the direct view of human eyes, the fountain sculpture at the hotel entrance and the mermaid sculpture in the mirror in the room.

The mermaid sculpture in the fountain outside the hotel is looking into the water, so people are looking directly at the mermaid sculpture through the water. Although the mermaid sculpture is restricted and cannot move fast, it can still move or even rotate slowly, so it will slowly move at the door. Turning, and in the mermaid statue in the room, the mirror mermaid moves the fastest. It is also because the mirror mermaid looks into the mirror and the person looks directly at the sculpture through the mirror. The limiting force is limited, so the mirror mermaid runs the fastest.

Just now, the mermaid looked at the white willow through the cat's eyes, so it could move. If the white willow only looked directly at the mermaid sculpture through the cat's eyes, although there are certain restrictions, the mermaid sculpture should still be able to move.

At such a close distance, passing the cat's eye is definitely not enough to restrict the mermaid from moving and breaking in. If you let it in, the player will be pressed under the door, and if the human eye is not looking directly at this condition, the player will soon be cold.

But I have to say that in this case, there are indeed very few new players who can open the door to face the mermaid sculpture. Most of them are panicked. Even if they infer that the human eyes are looking directly at this condition, they have no courage to verify, only Bai Liu wanted money and didn't want his life. Even if he couldn't be 100% sure that his inference was correct, he was still unreasonable and calm.

Siren Town Monster Book Mermaid Statue panel refreshed

Monster name Mermaid statue pupa status, amulet statue cocoon status

Weaknesses that human eyes look straight 13

Attack mode hatch

The eyes of the mermaid sculpture are drooping, the head is slightly tilted to the lower right, the corners of the mouth are slightly raised with a smile, the fish tail is beautiful, the body is white and flawless, and the posture reveals an indescribable beauty and divinity. Once it freezes. , The urge to take possession of the body that chilled the back of the body disappeared and became a mermaid sculpture with great aesthetic value, standing silently in front of a stranger's house at midnight on the seashore.

Player Bailiu gets 3 points for watching players charge and unlocks game merchandise shop

The points are too low to purchase any items, players are requested to continue their efforts

The player charged three points. Bai Liu understood a little bit. He should have been given a reward by someone watching. In this unlocked merchandise shop, all the merchandise are black and white, and the display status is unavailable. He glanced briefly and found this merchandise. The shop has everything from daily necessities to weapons, and there are many messy things, what is intact, the heart is intact, and the potion at first sight is also on sale. This kind of strange-sounding product is also on sale, but correspondingly, the price of this product is also very high.

Bai Liu understands that when entering the game, points can buy everything you want.

Bai Liu closed the merchandise store and looked at each other with the immovable mermaid sculpture in front of him.

Now this thing does not move, but Bai Liu can't stand up to this thing all night, and after this incident, Bai Liu has a new understanding of the destructive power of this thing.

He looked at that and was about to fall off the stainless steel handle from his door.

But judging from the performance of the sculptures in his room before, although this thing has great destructive power, it seems that it can only be located by eyes, or it is only sensitive to visual objects. Once it is covered by white cloth, there is no way to find the position of the white willow. , It is difficult to find him even in the same room.

In other words, the mermaid sculpture does not seem to have senses such as hearing and smell.

Otherwise, Bai Liu and so many mermaid sculptures are in the same room. Even listening to Bai Liu's breathing, it is easy to locate Bai Liu, and then unscrew Bai Liu's head like a doorknob. There is no need to pull off the white cloth and look for him again. The ability to unscrew the doorknob with bare hands will not even be locked in the toilet closet now.

It's really troublesome, there are still so many, it's a burden to keep it.

He squinted his eyes slightly, and a bit of evil thought moved in his heart. Now there is a fish sculpture in front of him that is motionless. Can he do some experiments on it, and experiment with what its weaknesses are, such as baking it with a stick. Kill it and break it

Remind the player that if the player directly attacks the monster, if the monster does not die, it will cause the monster's hatred value to be on the player for a long time, and it will continue to attack the player, reducing the player's survival rate

Bai Liu stroked his chin thoughtfully, and he smiled, showing a harmless little pear on his right face.

"Attacking it directly will cause it to hate me and get revenge on me, right?" Bai Liu said to himself, "then if it happened on its own, then it can't blame me."

Bai Liu repeated the old trick, wrapped the mermaid sculpture with a bed sheet and tied the opening below with a rope. Then he unkindly placed the mermaid sculpture at the entrance of the hotel stairs.

When the mermaid sculpture is invisible, it will walk around without a head. Bai Liu puts the mermaid sculpture in this place to let the sculpture fall down the stairs.

Under the premise of having a hatred value, Bai Liu would not take the initiative to break these sculptures. It would be nice if he could break them directly, but if he couldn't break them, it would obviously cause trouble for himself.

But so many mermaid statues are a hidden danger. Bai Liu has only one pair of eyes. If he is a wooden figure, if he is surrounded by statues in 360 degrees without dead ends, and the horizontal viewing angle of human eyes is only 188 degrees, Bai Liu cannot grow eyes behind his head. Seeing all the fish sculptures, he must die.

Bai Liu likes to do more cost-effective things. Although the game says that it is enough to use weaknesses to escape from monsters, he wants to know whether these statues can be destroyed directly in some way, or whether these statues have other fatal weaknesses.

He does not take the initiative to smash or beat the mermaid sculpture, the risk is too great, he can not take it.

But if the mermaid sculpture falls off the stairs because of his poor eyesight, it has nothing to do with him.

Bai Liu just wanted to do a little experiment to verify whether this thing can be smashed. He returned to the room. As expected, the mermaid statue moved soon afterwards. Bai Liu thoughtfully, in fact, he is still looking at the statue. , But the statue was covered by a white cloth. I didn't know that Bai Liu was looking at him, so he moved by himself.

This proves that the direct view of the human eye is only an objective condition, and the mermaid statue must subjectively feel that it is being looked directly at before it can stop moving.

With so many sculptures in Bai Liu's room, he couldn't keep looking at them. As soon as Bai Liu woke up before he had time to look around, they actively stopped moving.

Therefore, as long as the mermaid statue feels that it is being looked at directly, it will stop moving.

Being able to realize this level of self-consciousness, these things are indeed living creatures, and they still possess a certain degree of intelligence, even though they don't seem to have high intelligence.

The mermaid statue at the top of the stairs struggled a few times, and with a stroke from the side of the stairs, it fell off under the white cloth, and there was a huge dusty noise. Bai Liu stood on the stairs and looked condescendingly, clapping his hands. Hui snorted with some regret. He looked at the mermaid statue below unscathed but curled up slightly. There was not even a crack in the marble.

Sure enough, the physical attack is ineffective.

Bai Liu didn't know that his villain appearance was on the small TV, which caused a lot of players to be stunned.

"I rely on this man to be really a newcomer. A hooded cover and a bed sheet to drop the mermaid statue down the stairs. What kind of villain is this. Was this newcomer a kidnapper or a terrorist before he came in?"

"I was still nervous and scared for him just now, and now I am beginning to sympathize with the knocking mermaid statue, and I fell to the tail. It's so miserable."

"I, too, he looks like a villain while standing on the stairs like this. It feels scarier than a statue."

"Reversed it was the mermaid sculpture who wanted to kill him, now it is the mermaid sculpture. Does this guy really regard himself as a player?"

"The other players want to survive from the monsters. He is good, he just doesn't want the monsters to live."

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