
Lucy sat at the dinner table, not slept well, hitting Hache with sorrow, leaning on Bai Liu, and Jeff was dozing off all morning, with dark circles under her eyes, and her skin turned blue. Gray, with sunken eye sockets, and I don't know if it's Bailiu's illusion. He feels that Andre's pupils have shrunk a bit compared to yesterday. He has a very uncomfortable, nervous and anxious aura, and there is a fishy smell on his body. taste.

Bai Liu took out the coin and swept it at Andre.

nc name Andre's mental value has dropped, alienation is in progress

Andre's appetite was very appetizing, and he ate the large plate of the hotel buffet breakfast, as if pouring into his throat.

Because this hotel is close to the sea, most of the breakfast is fried, boiled and fried fishes. The fish soup is smooth and smooth, and the fried fish fillets are golden and crispy. It looks like an appetite, but the white willow smells. It's like a pungent fishy smell from rotten fish tails, like when he smells flies around dead fish at the fishmongers dumping fish in the vegetable market, and the white willow starts to disgust as soon as they get close to these bright-looking fish dishes. Swallowed.

But neither Jeff nor Lucy showed such a fragrant expression.

Bai Liu took out the coin and swept it away. As expected, the two of them also showed that the mermaid statue in the room was related during the alienation.

Not to mention Andre. The way he eats makes Bai Liu a little uncomfortable. Andre chews with big mouthfuls. The slippery and dark fishtails are slapped against his mouth as he chews. Before eating, I used a fork to hold the next one and delivered it to my mouth.

Lucy cut the fish steak with a knife and fork, and looked at Bai Liu with a little surprise, "Don't you want to eat it, my dear, the fish steaks here are really delicious. Even if I have to go on a diet, I can't help eating two."

"You really found a pretty good seaside hotel." Lucy was about to come over and kiss him, but Bai Liu choked with the strong fishy smell in Lucy's mouth, and subconsciously pushed the opponent away, thinking about it or pulled Lu away. Xi's plate, pretending to be serious, said, "Baby, you are in good shape right now. I don't allow you to lose your beauty for a fish. Let's eat some vegetarian dishes. The fish steaks here are just like that." Bai Liu pretended to comment arrogantly. .

Lucy was coaxed into ecstasy. Although she was still reluctant to let go of the fish steaks, she ate a lot of vegetable salads obediently. Bai Liu pretended to pretend to give Jeff and Andre a lot of salads and let them eat. Jeff Bailiu gave him his food, a little bit disheartened.

But Andrei saw that Bailiu's nose was not a nose, eyes, or eyes, and laughed, "It's not that we rich people are short of money. Before we came here, we came here to eat and live all inclusive. Now even a piece of fish steak is reluctant to let us eat. West, look, this is your stingy boyfriend"

Lucy immediately cursed angrily, "If Andre is not Bai Liu, do you think you can come to this kind of hotel to eat this high-end fish steak? You can't even live in. You can see how much you eat yourself, if Bai Liu doesn't give it to you Pay the bill, you can't get out of this hotel at all"

"Lucy" Andre roared, but Lucy looked up at Andre unwillingly. Andre couldn't help but think that she liked women, so she turned her head and prepared to spread all her anger on the white willow. With a wide palm open, it is necessary to lift the back collar of the white willow. Andrei is obviously a very violent type.

In Lucy's scream, Bai Liu wiped her mouth unhurriedly, looked at Andre, and smiled, "If you still want me to pay you, you'd better not touch me."

Andre's hands stopped in the air, his nostrils expanded and contracted like a cow, and he breathed violently and violently. He looked at the white willow with crimson eyes, and threatened fiercely, "Wait until the evening we bet that you can't do anything, I must You are so short that you can't even make a woman. You look good."

His eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he seemed to have been stunned by the anger that went straight to his forehead, but he couldn't take Bai Liu. After all, he still expected Bai Liu to pay him. It happened that at this time a broccoli was lowering his head and eating. Wolf accidentally rolled out of the plate and onto Andrei's shoes.

Andre seemed to be inflated to the limit and then burst into the balloon by this broccoli, his anger leaked out uncontrollably, he was sorry in Jeff's mouth before he said it, his backhand was a full palm Fan slapped Jeff on the back of his head, knocked Jeff on the plate, and spit out what he had eaten in the morning.

"You soiled my shoes, you disgusting guy." Andre seemed amused when he saw Jeff vomiting. He found a certain psychological balance and hummed from his nose, and gave Jeff another kick. After wiping off the negligible oil stains on his shoes on Jeff's trousers, Andre said again, "But I don't care about the useless waste. Wipe it clean, let me go. ."

Lucy helped Jeff up the dizziness, and she shouted at Andre hysterically, "You are enough, but Andre, you are too much to Jeff"

Bai Liu didn't care about the quarrel between the two. His eyes focused on Jeff's vomit. The fish steak was golden in shell. After being chewed and spit out by Jeff, the cross-section turned out to be blue and black like a dead fish, and it was stained with creeping saprophytes. Things like insects move around.

This kind of rotting dead fishmen cannot eat at all. Bailiu remembers that fishmongers in the vegetable market would use this kind of dead fish to feed large fish. Bailiu remembers that a fishmonger told him that the larger the rotting fish, the more he likes to eat dead fish. .

The driver came to pick up Bai Liu and them after breakfast.

The main mission to visit the Siren Museum, reward 50 points

Participate in the mermaid fishing conference in the main mission, reward 50 points

The Siren Museum and the Mermaid Fishing Conference, it sounds like two attractions.

Bai Liu pondered for a while, and just wanted to ask the driver what these two were. This driver was not only a Bailiu driver, but also a part-time job as a local tour guide for Bailiu. They visited Siren Town, but Jeff suddenly came up and blocked him. Between Bai Liu and the driver, he lowered his head and did not speak, his pale and thin cheeks were sunken, and there were bleeding stains from the blow by Andre on his lips, and his teeth trembled slightly.

Bai Liu raised his eyebrows, and Jeff seems to have been trying his best to avoid contact with the driver since yesterday.

This is not normal.

Bai Liu's finger unconsciously turned the coin in his heart, and the coin flipped back and forth on the back of his finger. This is a common posture for Bai Liu to think about things. It feels like money is controlled in his hand. Even a dollar will make him feel calm and happy. .

Without other information, Bai Liu guessed that Jeff's target should be Andre, and it's normal for Andre to have contact with the driver. After all, the driver is looking for a mobile phone meeting, and Lucy is a good fool. There is no need to deliberately. To isolate.

There must be a reason for Jeff to isolate Bai Liu from the driver, and Bai Liu thought about it for a moment. It should be money. Jeff saw that he was dressed and violently on campus by Andre. He obviously did not look like a rich character, Andre. He is also very bullying and afraid of hardships. Although Bai Liu is not forgiving, he has no practical actions, and he is slapped and scolded at Jeff. From this point of view, the family situation should not be as good as Bai Liu. , Not even comparable to Andre.

And last night, it seemed that Jeff gave the driver a large amount. Bai Liu could reasonably suspect that Jeff took Bai Liu to ask him to hire drivers and tourists money to hire the driver to retaliate against Andre. With a guilty conscience, the driver and Bai Liu were not allowed to contact.

But last night, Jeff had already paid the driver a sum of money. It stands to reason that the transaction has been almost completed, and the driver and the tourists have also performed their work well. Bai Liu did not express any doubt. Generally speaking, Jeff should breathe a sigh of relief, and there is no need to isolate him and the driver so deliberately, this will cause Bai Liu to suspect.

This kind of guilty and cautious performance is not as if things have not been implemented yet.

But it is also possible that Jeff is cautious and timid, and does not relax his vigilance if he fails to do things. After all, the story of Jeff's branch line is called a **** conspiracy. This kind of murder conspiracy is completely understandable when you hear it.

I just don't know when Jeff will choose to start with Andre, but Bai Liu still wants to focus on the main task.

Bai Liu talked to the driver, "Driver, are there any attractions in Siren Town?"

"Attractions?" The driver thought for a while and said, "When we come here as tourists, we must see night fishing and museums."

After hearing this answer, Bai Liu said as expected, his eyebrows raised, "Does fishing and museums have any special features?"

"Of course, we are in Siren Town." The driver turned his head and Bai Liu saw the driver up close in the front of the car for the first time. Even if he was as resistant to horror images as Bai Liu, he couldn't help but breathe.

Not because of fear, but because of surprise.

The driver looks too strange.

There are so many white parts of this man's eyes, so many that the eyeballs are only the size of a fly. As he speaks in the whites of his eyes, his eyes are shaking uneasily everywhere, as if he can't control this, which is about to disappear and escape from his eyes. This driver's skin It is also pale to the point of opacity.

He said that he was driving while biting his fish steak sandwich. The cross section of the fish steak was green-black when he was bitten off, as if it were made of moldy fish, but the driver ate it with relish and his teeth were stained. After changing the color of green and black, he smiled at the white willow with an arc that was too big to be normal. ,, everyone remember to bookmark the URL or remember the URL, the URL, the fastest update for free, no anti-theft, no anti-theft error report chapter, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends, please add qq group 647377658 group number