The Museum

The car fell silent, and everyone's expressions became strange.

Lucy laughed awkwardly, and Andre sneered. The two obviously didn't believe the driver said mermaid.

Jeff still kept his head down, only Bai Liu looked complacent.

The driver drove the car gently and steadily to a building, "The museum is here, get off." After everyone got off the car, the driver said, "You can visit first, and you can call me in the evening. I will pick you up to watch the mermaid fishing activities. ."

He drove off after talking. Bai Liu got out of the car and looked around and looked around. In front of him was a building that was so tall that he needed him to tilt his head and parallel the ground to see the top. There were a few English swashes on the top. Bai Liu translated it and called the Siren Museum.

Scene to unlock the Siren Museum

The painting style of the entire museum is as dark and dark as the sea, and it is supported by a few large granite columns on the top. Standing at the door, Bai Liu can see many contoured mermaid statues inside, which are beautifully displayed.

The decoration of the Siren Museum looks very new, but the exterior wall still looks a bit dilapidated. It is a kind of red wall with stacked bricks, and there are many old newspapers posted on it. The wind blows it to Bai Liu's face.

Bai Liu removed this old newspaper from his face, and he saw a line in bold and bold informing the police that 12 people were missing in Siren Town this month. Please have you seen the following missing photos and report the missing people to the police in time. Please everyone Tourists must pay attention to safety when traveling in Siren Town, do not play with large fish, and beware of falling into the water

There are twelve black-and-white photos posted below. The people on the top are all smiling and happy when they have just visited Siren Town, but the smiles of the people in the newspaper show that this yellowed outdated newspaper fell in Bai Liu's eyes. There is no weirdness. .

After Bai Liu read the whole newspaper carefully, he was going to put the newspaper away and put it in his bag. After folding it twice, Bai Liu suddenly felt that the folding felt was not right, and it was a bit too hard.

As a newspaper, even if the hair is dry and brittle by the sea breeze, it should not have such a hard texture as if it were more than just a piece of paper.

Bai Liu looked at the cross-section of the newspaper. The cross-section looked really thick, but there were no traces of it. The main reason was that the newspaper had been blown very solid. Even if there were many, it could not be easily seen. Bai Liu curled his eyebrows. She put the newspaper in her arms, and decided to scald it with some warm water after entering the museum to see if the newspaper has multiple layers and whether it can be separated.

Trigger a side mission to find the hot pool in the museum, separate the newspapers together, and reward 10 points

The guardian of the Siren Museum is an old man who has had cataracts. His eyes are cloudy and white, but it seems that there is no big problem in seeing people. As soon as Bai Liu and the others walked in, the old man moved his head quickly. The pavilion's eyes were blank, but the old face smiled politely with a formatted look, and Lucy exclaimed in a small exclamation as he quickly moved closer to this side.

The man in the museum looked strange and sighed, "It has been a long time since no one has been here since last month, there have been no tourists visiting the Siren Museum, and no new mermaid sculpture has entered the museum for a long time."

When Bai Liu heard this, he asked the guards, "Why hasn't the new mermaid sculpture entered the museum for a long time? Does it have anything to do with no tourists?"

"Of course there is." The guardian's tone began to excite. He even waved his somewhat stiff old arms and legs. "Without tourists, we rarely do large-scale activities like mermaid fishing, which are time-consuming and laborious, and no mermaid is caught. , We can't make a mermaid sculpture and put it in the museum."

"Does the Siren Museum always have mermaid sculptures coming in continuously?" Bai Liu immediately realized a problem. "The capacity of this museum is limited. If you keep getting new sculptures inside, you won't be able to put many sculptures."

"No." The man in the museum was chewing a weird smile, his eyes rolled in his eyes, aiming at the white willow, in a mysterious tone, "These mermaid sculptures will leave this museum, and the Siren Museum will never be filled because they come in. How many sculptures will leave as many mermaid sculptures."

Bai Liu subtly raised his eyebrows and continued to write, "Where did these mermaid sculptures go after they left the museum? Will these sculptures be thrown back into the sea?"

The pavilion guard stopped his mouth. He seemed to feel that he had said something that shouldn't be said, but Bai Liu keenly asked, "After the tourists came, then what?"

"Nothing will happen." The guard muttered to himself, "You will spend a pleasant holiday in Siren Town and then leave here."

Ask again, the guardian refused to speak anymore. After Bai Liu asked where the hot water was in the hall, he gave up the routine. He took the ticket and walked into the Siren with a group of people behind him. museum.

As soon as he entered, Bai Liu saw a golden lacquer statue standing at the door. This is a humanoid sculpture wearing a suit and a hat. It is completely different from the mermaid sculptures Bai Liu saw. There is no fish tail, and the whole body is golden, with an official smile on his face. The meaning is to stand on a black stone platform with a majestic sculpture of a middle-aged man, waving to the tourists who come in.

The lights in the museum are very dim, and the light falling from the top casts an unclear shadow on the face of this statue, making the polite smile on the face of the statue weird.

Some explanations for this statue were engraved on the black stone platform. Bai Liu leaned over to see that this was the sculpture of the mayor of Siren Town, which was completed when the Siren Museum opened the ribbon.

The stone platform also used some very exaggerated tones to highly praise the mayor's contribution to the town of Siren. After salvaging the mermaid bones, the tourism industry was vigorously developed, and the support for the construction of the Siren Museum was very interesting. The town of Siren behind the seaside has become prosperous.

The stone platform is carved with Mayor Harris. To every villager in Siren Town, he has the unconditional love for his own children.

Bai Liu was watching earnestly, and he was silent all the way. Jeff suddenly leaned against Bai Liu. "Do you believe that there are people who fish? Do you think the things about Siren Town mentioned above are true."

Of course not all believe it.

This kind of special construction to promote the development of the tourism industry to say things to the museum, although it seems very serious, but it is almost true to have a three-point truth, most of which are fabricated by local false information, used to hype it into a gimmick to attract tourists .

But this is a horror game.

Bai Liu "I think it's true."

Andre hugged his chest and grinned heavily, seeming to mock Jeff and Bai Liu, who were convinced, and followed Jeff into the museum.

Bai Liu and Lucy were going to be together, but Bai Liu wanted to go to the hot water room to wet the newspaper separately, so Lucy left to go shopping alone.

After Lucy expressed regret, she said that she would be waiting for Bai Liu in the exhibition hall, so she went out curiously. Bai Liu went to the guardian and said that she had gone to the hot water room. ,, everyone remember to bookmark the URL or remember the URL, the URL, the fastest update for free, no anti-theft, no anti-theft error report chapter, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends, please add qq group 647377658 group number