The Nightmares Demand

I heard a behind me, the moment Dexter left the mansion. I looked back and ran to help Fujin up. He was trying to sit on the gunnery as the bullets started to fall out of his body. We had to strip him off his shirt to make sure the holes were mending. 


I watched in amazement as each of them knit closed. Ray must have shot him in the distance. None of the bullets were embedded that deeply. I breathed a sigh of relief. This was one of the perks of being Immortal. Normal bullets cannot kill you. 

They hurt, at least you were not dead. 

I helped Fujn stand up, I was shorter than him, so you could only imagine how we looked like. My arms were around his waist, helping Fujin walk upright. When we reached the kitchen, he sat on one of the stools. I quickly threw something in the microwave for him to eat.