Episode 2 The two kids

Jane lost it she jumped and slapped the leader," how dare you what have we done to you to deserve this? my daughter is young she is just ten years kill us all you monster what if it was your child or sister how can you fill? do you have a heart? " then all the sudden she pull the mask off the leaders face was reviewed and everything stood still shocked.

"Jordan !" mr Banda and mrs Banda where shocked how, why, when, and what where in there mind's but the person who was more shocked was Ruth , Jordan was her best and only friends brother he used to take her just like his sister.

Jordan and his sister Judith where orphans they had no one else in the world except each other Jordan worked very hard for his sister when mr and mrs Banda moved next door he started working for Mr Banda like gardening sweeping and other work when mr Banda saw that Jordan was a had worker he employed him to work at his campany.

Jordan had a sister name Judith she was three years old there parents died when he was fifteen years old and his sister was three years old the same age as Ruth Judith was a kind little girl she never use to fight when going for work Jordan could live his sister with the helpers at he's sister used to stay at the mansion.

Jordan was like a big brother to Ruth he loved her very much everytime he took his baby sister out he took Ruth with them he used to tall people that two girls where his sisters but after five years Jordan resigned from work saying he has found another job in the next town so he and his sister moved to the other town from that time it has been two years since he left bolder town now he is back as an armed lobber? what exactly what happened to them? who paid him to kill the Banda family? the wife and husband could just question themselves Ruth was going through the good moments the three had the word she is my sister kept on ringing in her small head why is this happening? where is Judith she looked at the pictures at the wall Jordan and Judith where is here with them like part of the family.

" Am sorry mr and mrs Banda but I have no choice someone has paid me a lot for this now that the reunion is finished let's go back to business you mrs Banda you have Violet the rules Moses I will punish you later get her!" the gang named Moses forced mrs Banda to sit down, " thank you now five do your job!" " no!" the Banda's screamed together but unfortunately twin Promise was killed too Jordan was not smiling anymore the time he come into this house he did not looked around it's still the same and he was there at the pictures like a family member.

"Little Miss Ruth come at the center or you can start saying your good byes to your mama and dada ," he said to Ruth , Ruth just walk silently she was told to take off her clothes her mother screamed, " no please don't do this to my baby she is young Jordan you please you took care of Ruth like your own sister," mrs Banda cried had but Ruth followed what she was told to do she was completely necked.

Following alder Jordan was the first one to rape the child he kept apologizing to her when he was doing the act Ruth did not cry or push him away she was just looking like she was dead then the second man came to her the third the fourth the firth and the sixth man her parents were being forced to watch, Ruth was just quit her parents could not take it anymore they tried so hard mrs Banda was the first to be killed after that Jordan took Ruth's had and put a knife there he forced her to stab her father.

Ruth whitened everything she could not speak nor cry the shock was too much for a ten years old they took her with them out side it was still dark they where four black cars packed out side the gate and four other men they where guarding the house the little boy was in the car two gauds who was with Jordan entered the car with Ruth and a masked boy the camera was put at the dashboard of the car Ruth was looking at it all the way.

The car part ways the car with kids inside hade to a bush load on the way the car block down so they where forced to stop they took the kids out of the car.

Fell minutes later one of the men went in the bush to help himself Ruth took the opportunity she took the knife she secretary store in the car she went near the man who was almost sleeping she hold the knife well she managed to cut his throat and took a clothes she forced it into his mouth the computer genius was horrified he was about to but Ruth caverd his mouth with her bloody had. when the other man came back he thought his friend was tared so he just told the kids to enter the car he was inside but Ruth had the car keys into her hand so she locked the car with them she was prepared enough she went to that dead Man and took out a righter in his pocket the other man in the car was bagging the kids to let him live but Ruth was quite like the ocean without a word she gathered dry glass and put it under the car she used the righter to burn the glass it was burn so without wasting time she hold the boys hand and started running with him they where far when the car exploded.

The kids were very tired they did not sleep the whole night it was still dark around five in the morning they slept on the grass.

" Am sorry boss but I think the children run away they killed same by stabbing him and they burnt tom alive when they called us two hours ago saying they had a bleak down we where out master sent us to go somewhere so I just told them to wait," one of Jordans men explain " but that girl knows so much chris and the two of them are smart they will report me to the police ," Jordan was scared he can't live his sister to go to prison she needed help she was very sick Jordan regretted living bolder town when he left he started working at the big company but he was forcedly accused of stilling so he was fired he had no money and his sister got sick she needed an expensive treatment he mate someone who promised to help him and he will do what ever that man asked of his Jordan had no choice so he started stilling for the man with his other friends.

Thinking of prison then his sick sister Jordan got angry and kill one of his men he could not believe a ten years old girl and a seven years old boy could kill two grown ups and now he could not go and look for the kids that place has police men everywhere by now Investigating the case.

"Braking news the millionaire of our town mr Banda and his family where killed last night but only four people where found the first born is missing the police are looking for a young girl if you have seen her please report the matter to the nearest police station,"

" In the same matters of killing two men where found dead in the forest the other one was stabbed to death and the other one was burned alive inside the car we will keep updating you am Mary lungu reporting from zpm tv good bye."

" We still have time we can find the children boss the police haven't found them yet," one of the men said " yes go and look for them but don't get cote I don't want anymore trouble for the day just when he thought he could rest his boss called " Jordan do you mean you can't handle small kids? you are so incompetent I need the children with twenty four hours or your sister will get it do you understand I don't want problems go out there and find them there both are useful to me!" the angry boss shouted.

After searching for the whole day Jordan and his men could not find the children he was very tired by the time he got home he was warred that his sister was in danger now , so when the boss called him he got scared but after answering the phone the boss just said he should forget about the kids everything was taken care of he was relieved to know that.