Episode 5 The dark tunnel of death

Don't be scared Alex am going to have a special training for four years am sure even you, you will get a special training please don't be tired am with you all the way .

At night she was sleeping on the floor during the day she was to train the whole day she was allowed to eat only once a day every year she was taken into a new Laval of training Ruth became stronger every day.

Alex was trained to work at night and sleep during the day never to live the room even during the day he could sleep for four hours only most of the time he was at the computer he could only eat once a day at six pm drinking water was the only thing that kept the two kids are live food was not important but water and vitamin iv fluids only to eat once a day a very healthy and nutritious meal it was part of "the training.

Day turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into years it was soon five years Ruth was still training in the dark sleeping for a short time bing watched twenty-four seven , "Doctor Martin how is Ruth? is here health fine to test her training?" boss asked "yes boss everything sims normal I have done all the nassessaly test on her," the doctor confirmed the boss smiled and utter a very good.

"Benny is Ruth strong enough to live the dark room?" the boss asked Benny the trainer " yes boss she is strong enough" he answered with confidence "are you sure?" the boss asked again Benny's answer was the same " have you heard of the name bark tunnel of death?" the boss asked a question which almost made Benny and doctor Martin to bleed to death.

"Yes sir but I thought it's just a myth ?" they story was that the tunnel eat people anyone who goes Inside does not come back and where it is nobody knows doctor Martin and Benny where brought back to earth by a loud laughter of there boss "does that mean people do not believe in that saying which says where there is smoke there is fire any more?" the boss asked when his laughter stopped everyone was in shock but the boss just told them to follow him.

In the next dark room the boss turned the the rights on after four years the boy who was just seven years old is now twelve years old he looked at the people who has just entered the room shortly doctor Susan came in she has been checking on the boy almost everyday " how have you been Alex ?" the boss greeted his he just nod his head indicating fine then the boss brought out a map showing them the dark tunnel was under the house they where in.

The boss was just looking at the shoked men and a woman " do you have anything that can help to track someone George and Alex ?" boss asked " yes boss we have a trucker we can just connect it to the computer ," George answered he was the one helping young Alex to advance his computer lesson but he was not even close to Alex the boy was a genius.

" I need it now! Benny listen to the instructions Ruth is going to have pass throw the tunnel of death tomorrow she will find her way out using the map she just need to look for the entrance herself and she will find the exit if she has a will to live if she doesn't make it am going to make you and your family suffer Benny she is my hope for revenge.

"It has been five years Ruth you have lent all you where supposed to learn but getting out of this room it will depend on your will to live Ruth , please Ruth you are the only person who can save me and my family getting out of this place you will use a passage called the dark tunnel of death please make it this place is dangerous but I have faith in you dear you can make it," the master badged the girl she was now fifteen years old.

"You will use the dark tunnel of death to get out of this place it is called Tunnel of death for a reason , no one has ever survived in there you have to read the map carefully using your fingers, as you know we have no lights in this room it dangerous I had to warn you in advance they are six stages of the tunnel with booby traps in every corner."

Ruth's master was not happy when he heard of this from the boss it's not like he was not confident on his teaching but the problem was he has head about the Mistry of the dark tunnel of death no one has come back to tell the tells anyone who goes in there does not returned this days people think it was just a story to scare kids he was more than sapplised to hear that it exists.

She was only given four knives for self defense " they are six stages of the tunnel after her master instructions Ruth walked to the well she started touching the wall she found a round thing and pushed it the wall started moving then it opened she walked in slowly and steady she caculeted the distance and throw one knife a bear trap went off she collected her knife and touch the map again she moved with careful steps she throw the knife again another bear trap went off she managed to set off five bear traps ten remaining the boss was following the trucker on the computer Alex was watching too playing that Ruth will be ok .

Ruth managed to reach the second stage of the bosses game no one has came this far the boss though to himself so far so good the legend of the death tunnel was a Mistry Ruth stood still.

She studied the map in her hands for fill minutes and started walking again on this stage where fraying allows she was quick she managed to dodge all the allows the third stage where knives they where fraying too but they where very fast like lightening but Ruth was also fast only three managed to cut her she felt the blood coming out she rapt her shirt and dressed her wounds.

On the fourth stage it was tricky Ruth was supposed to run fast because the well of the building was closing she run so fast that she managed to get to the fith stage of the game , boss was enjoying every moment he was confident now that this girl was going to make it she has survived the second stage the most dangerous one so he was confident that she was going to pass the last two as well.

Ruth could hear insects making noises they where poisonous bag's and snakes the fifth stage was poison she was not worried much she can tolalet poison so it was a bit easy but still she needed to be careful because she was not immune to poison so she carefully walked she managed to get to the next room.

The sixth stage was a room an empt room? no things are not what you think soon she had the wall doors opening six of them they where six ninja's coming after her it was Ruth's first big battle she remembered her master telling her that she should not have marcy on anyone, right it's either to kill or to be killed she could fell her body became weaker by a minute too much loss of blood plus poison but she was still strong she fort with all she gat she could hear the voices of the people she was fighting with four men and two women she killed them all and fell down she managed to get up and found the secret door it was the exit at last the sun she has made it she tried to open her eyes she managed to set the garden and she collapsed there.

If there was someone who was happy was the boss he was the happiest man on the planet he managed to create a perfect wiporn for himself for the first time he has tried creating one for years now but it unsuccessful but today he could test the victory already this little Ruth was something she was a Hero.

Ruth workup she found herself in the room, her room it has been four years ever since she saw right she has pull throw now she can see Alex soon "you slept for two days are you ok?" just the person she wanted to see.

Alex was looking at her Ruth was happy inside but she could not show her face was still she could not smile she was just looking at him.