Episode 9 It was all Don's plan

After bathing Ruth left the house she got on her motorcycle she put on a black dress, she soon packed her bike at the bar and entered she was busy drinking and observing the man who was drinking on the other table after same time the man Left the bar Ruth followed him and accidentally tripled the man or was it on purpose she dropped the photos on the ground the man said sorry to the pretty lady and help her pick-up the papers on the ground it was photos but his eyes went wide after seeing the pictures.

He looked at the picture then at the girl but she was not there anymore he looked for her running around but it was like she was not there in the first place he looked at the picture it was a family a mother and father on gun point with there children he still remember that day very well could it be that the girl was the one who run away that day.?

In the abandoned warehouse a man was sitting in the dark he head footsteps a man walked in he gave respect to the man sitting " am sorry to bother you boss but one of my men close path with Ruth today she was a girl we killed her family years ago I thought you said she was taken care of why is she back hunting us?" the man asked the other man, but he did not say a word he just stood up and went out of the room he sat on one of the chairs " where is your man Jordan?" the man who was sitting in the dark asked " James come here " the man named James came in.

" What did you saw James are you sure of what you said about the girl?" the man asked "yes master Don a young woman bumped on me today she had a lot of pictures of the sine that happened that night she run away and left one picture with me but I lost the picture after a man bumped on me again?" James explain , after he saw the picture he was so confused that he kept bumping on people when he got to Jordans house he explained everything but he found out that he lost the picture.

" Jordan don't west my time with this nonsense that girl was killed and I saw her dad body even the boy is dead don't bother me again." Don was angry " am sorry boss I will punish him " Jordan apologized but James just stood up angrily and left saying he was going to look for the girl himself and prove to everyone that she was alive.

" That was the best plan it work well " one of Alex men said excited but Ruth and Alex where quite how can they be happy when they just found out that the man who destroyed there life was the same man his name was Don he took away there family and childhood , it was a good plan putting a wire to James clothes when she bumped on him they have tracked him now they know where Don hide out is but they did not want to make wrong movies so there going to kill them one by one.

Ruth was angry even if it did not show on her face she left and got on her bike " where is she going? are we not going to make plan ?" one of the men asked " no need she has her on plan she is going to crash that James as an example," Alex was angry , Don played a smart game he faked to be robed and Alex was taken away by Jordan and his men what else was Don playing? Alex was in thoughts.

James stood where he fell down examining the place then he Saw that girl he run after her she was running to the bush road he was going to take her to Don and prove he was not laying then she disappeared he stopped looking around "where is she ? is that girl a gost ?" James thought loudly " they are no gost fool if they where my parents would have made your life miserable but no you have been free for seven Years" Ruth said, she was sitting on a big stone .

James smiled " so you are here for revenge little girl?" James asked but Ruth did not bother to answer she jumped down and they started fighting , with her skills she managed to take him down by hating his heart she did not kill him but take him to Alex he had no strength because Ruth managed to damage his heart he had no idea that this girl was strong.

When Alex saw him he came closer " he was one of the men who killed my family I stayed with the six of them and Don for months I had no idea that he worked for Jordan two " Alex explained with tears in his eyes James was scared now he knows this kids collaborate to take them down and he was the first one.

Everyone was dismissed only Ruth , Alex and James were in the house now by the way Ruth and Alex where given a house in the forest to do there own private things " so James be a good boy and tell us what is really going on why me and Alex?" Ruth asked she did not want to bit around the bush.

James smiled " you kids can't do anything about this you are young this is bigger than you , I think you will die before you finish your revenge you think you are smart " James was laughing like a fool Ruth smiled but her first smiled scared not only James but Alex two she took a shape knife from her bag the knife looked like a lip balm someone may never now it was a knife she moved closer to James she cute one of his finger " if you don't tell us what happened back then you will have a painful death but if you co-parente I promise a quick one." Ruth said with a serious face after sing the fear on Alex face, scaring Alex was the last thing she wanted.

"Don is not to be underestimated he has power and connection he is a drag dealer he has been observing your family before you too where born he new your parents back then " James explained but stopped when he was given an injection after 30 minutes he was feeling better and continued " he found out about your abilities so he wanted you two for himself when Alex was sent to America he did anything in his power to bring him back and his parents brought him back because his brother died it was Don who killed your uncle Alex ," Alex was in tears.

James felt Petty for the kids but it was two late he can't turn back time so he continued "when Don find out that Alex was good enough for the job he was taken away by the first group we where twenty ten of us took Alex and the other ten continued to monitor Ruth , Jordan was a spy all those years he acted like your big brother Ruth ...." James stopped talking because Ruth's eyes turned red like blood James was not sure if Ruth was a normal human being he was scared even if she did not do anything.

"Jordan was sent by Don so he lent everything about your family and left to put the plan in place when the time was light the other ten strike the mad sure to put hatred on your heart but the plan filled when you killed those two and run away the Don told us that you two where killed by his friend but I guess he was fooled ," James spit blood and smiled.

"Since you told the truth I will keep your sister safe I will take care of her and get her treated I know she is sick and you were doing all that for her but that is not enough excuse to kill innocent people." Ruth explained James started crying he thought he was doing the right thing to kill people in older to help his sister it was selfish of him he deserves everything he was going through.

" I know that my sorry will not do anything to help the pain you have in your heart but I will still say it I was wrong am sorry thank you for your kindness helping my sister is the big thing you have done for me I can be at easy." James said .

Ruth went closer and nock him down she carried him and put him at the road she cut his throat and walk away living a picture of him with number 3 written on it she got on her bike and went away she did not go home she went to the bar Alex came and pick her up Ruth had a high tolerance for alcohol no matter how she drinks she could not get drunk .