Episode 13 The Paradise II

" How is it so far Alex are you enjoying the ride?" Ruth asked " I can't wait to rich where we are going it looks promising by the way is this place a game park?" just by looking at the way the road was and how animals like rabbits and other small animals where moving around the place Alex could geass " yes it is but we only keep few animals for now," Ruth said 'WELCOME TO PARADISE' it was another billboard with a big get belt with blocks the get was covered with wall flowers well taken care of.

" Wow so beautiful this is real paradise what is this place?" Alex was amazed the place looked beautiful outside he wondered what it looks inside if the outside looks like that " let's get out and have a good look we need to undergo check up they need to search our car two ," Ruth explained, they went to the office and the machine scanned them they put there finger prints and where given each citizen cads the car was checked too fill minutes later they where allowed to enter the big gate.

If Alex thought outside the gate was beautiful then the inside was more than the word beautiful itself the place was big it was like a farm green everywhere the houses where in older every house has the same design with a pool and a garden Alex head was outside the window all the way.

there was a market too and people where moving around , the roads where well build the car did not stop Alex was a bit disappointed but he was looking forward to explor this beautiful paradise , and the place was even more beautiful the people where familiar and looked friendly too after same time the car entered another gate inside was a big house no you can't call it a house but a castle a big garden and a big pool it looked like those beautiful houses in movies.

The where welcomed by servants the house was big and beautiful " master Benny?" Alex almost collapse sing the master of Ruth coming to welcome them " Easy there boy am not a gost am in the fresh," Benny answered jokingly "but I thought you are..." "....dead no he is not ," Ruth cut Alex word.

The day Ruth went out of control, it was on her 17 nth birthday she almost killed the Boss and they where both put in the clinic, the Boss got angry he could not do anything to Ruth so he accuse Benny of being a bad teacher in older to get revenge, two days later he commanded Ruth to kill Benny she was in no position to refuse so she agreed Alex tried to talk to the Boss he liked Benny very much but Ruth killed Benny in front of everyone and she buried him herself, from that day Alex became sad he refused to talk or do anything he even told the boss to kill him if he wants that's when he gave them a vacation when Alex asked for an explanation from Ruth she just said he should trust her and never question her decision he made him promise and he did.

"How come Benny is here? we all witness your death everyone saw what happened you killed him and buried him yourself," Alex wanted an explanation because he hated the only person he consider a relative because of Benny's death. " I will tell you everything Little one including the secret of this paradise," Ruth said.

The day Ruth and Alex where brought home she did not trust anyone not even the Boss, Benny has been working for the Boss for many years he new what kind of person the boss was he new he was going to die anytime so when he was assigned to train Ruth he told her that she needs to be careful she needs a back up plane because the boss may look like an angel but he saved the devil he gave her the idea of keeping the money in case of anything the day she went made and almost killed the Boss Benny told Ruth that the boss was planning to kill him for the first time Ruth talked and promised to help him Benny never new Ruth could be so intelligent she planned everything carefully and save him .

The day came when Ruth was supposed to kill Benny she and Benny discoursed a plan and Benny went along with Ruth's plan he asked the Boss that he should fight to death with Ruth being the master of Ruth he should die fighting even if he was no much for his student for his dignity he asked to fight back and the boss allowed it since he was no much for his student he was defeated and was killed no one suspected that he pretended to be dead and she went and bury him she put an oxygen mask and tank in the coffin and it was able to keep him alive for three hours when everyone was asleep she dag him out and send him for treatment to the paradise.

"That was craver sis but am still lost when did you make this safe haven ?" Alex asked with curious eyes after the narration of the master story " I bought this farm seven years ago and my trusted men and the people I saved all those years are the ones who are taking care of this place and all the people I saved there here ," Ruth said "that's why they look familiar you too are the best," Alex said haply.

Alex wanted to do many things the first thing he wanted was to go to the market and meet people for once he felt free he went out and found kids playing football he joined them, after that he went to the market he was greeting everyone the people where happy everyone was friendly he found a school kids were learning he entered after asking for permission for once he was in school learning with real kids it was like a dream he did not want to work up from, he went back home super happy " I went to school ! I was playing and learning with real life kids ," was the first words he brag about he hugged Ruth tait and said thank you, he eat dinner and went to sleep haply " you are crying? do you love him that much?" Benny asked and Ruth did not even realize she was crying until Benny pointed it out " I don't know why I feel like same thing is on my throat ," Ruth said touching her neck " it's called pain because you love him very much you fell touched after sing him happy " Benny said.

"How are the prisoners now can we go there?" Ruth asked Benny trying hard to change the topic " Yes you can and I think same of them can be released I was talking to general Chanda the other day he said you need to see how they have improved he was waiting for your permission, if they continue being bad we can take them back to prison anytime right?" Ruth looked at Benny and nod.

It was in the underground prison she has been taking People who she thought wealth of being saved for example the six school children he found at the dam that night she went to kill that drug lord she arrested those kids and they where being helped by the doctors and counselors and other people where there as long as they have never killed same one she takes them to try and change them.

"And why are you still awake Alex? I thought you went to bed already? what are you doing back here?" Benny asked all the questions at once " which one should I answer first grandpa?'' Alex asked smiling at Benny and Benny throw his shoe at Alex " brat am not your grandpa why are you pushing me to my grave this early?" Benny said wiping invisible tears " a old man don't pretend to be young ," Alex said and started running Benny run after him and soon it was a pillow fight Alex always dreamed of a day like this he wished that he do all he ever wanted and he never new a day like this will come soon, the sitting room was full of white feathers.

"Where is Ruth ?" Alex asked when he could not see his sister " look behind you" Benny said Ruth was sitting on the stairs watching the two " I bought tickets to watch the much between a grand pa and grand son and tomorrow you two will help clean the house" Ruth said and she winked at Benny and Alex, making Benny to chock on his on saliva " God she is joking and winking!" he said looking at Alex.

Ruth just stood up and opened a door just under the stairs there where stairs going down Alex and Benny followed her " wow can this day get any better a secret passage ?" Alex said " don't get too excited little one we can take you to bed after all am your gramps ," Benny said and started laughing Alex joined, Ruth was just listening to them she felt happy two.