Episode 34 You were my brother

Jemima was leaving the house with her hoody on covering her head she worked carefully as if running away from someone she walked fast and despaired in the dark she moved quickly and entered a strange house and Ruth's men recognize the house it was Jordan's friends house he was not close to Jordan but they used to be friends in highschool June reported this to Ruth and she told them to stick around that place until she goes home or until late at night, and so that's what they did, and Jemima did not come out of the house till morning.

Ruth, James and Jemima enter the courtroom it was Jordan's judgement day The trial has been going on for a long time and a lot of secrets have been reviewed.

"Jordan Bota found guilty of the madder of Banda's family and killing his friends sister Susan he is also changed of raping young girls I there for sentence him to life in prison"

Jordan looked at his sister then at Ruth tears low down his check, Ruth looked at him then she stood up and left the courtroom without a word her eyes turned red as blood she took a taxi to her house but staying home was not helping so she went running hoping she was going to be ok.

It was a bush road and it was quite but from nowere a man stood on her way calling her Beauty she looked down and she head another man calling her food, she was trying her best to avoid them but they could not let her pass ," let's have some fun beautiful" one of the two men said and he touched her breast, without thinking Ruth hold the two men's neck and throw them away like lag door the other one hit the tree and the other one landed in the bush, she followed them to finish the job that when she realized that there was the third person she looked behind and Jemima was standing there like a statue her face white like a gost Ruth looked scary just by looking at her.

"Ru t h'' Jemima called her but she was just looking at her and walking towards her slowly, June run towards her with a phone in his hands and put it on her ear.

"Sister, hello sis what's happening please stop" just like that she stood and Alex started singing for her, June took Jemima to his men's car and Ruth to his car and they zoom off, Ruth was put to bed.

Alex was moving up and down with his phone in the hand "she is getting worse Benny, what if one-day she couldn't recognize my voice? she needs help yesterday Sarah said her eyes keep on changing almost everyday" Alex said "I also have no idea what to say or do besides am tied up I can't move am dead remember" Benny Sayed.

Alex mobized his people and sent them on a mission he also left the house even if he was not allowed.

After working up Ruth went to see Jemima " please Ruth I plead with you don't kill my brother I know he did wrong but please don't take his life" she asked " am not going to kill your brother I promise" she said and the door opened. "What are you doing here Alex I told you never to come out of paradise unless I say sow" Ruth said "I asked you to come see us but you didn't come even if you promised us so I had to come am worried about you" he said " am ok Alex know go June will take you home" she said but Alex did not move.

"Not without you sister we need to go home know" Alex said and Ruth new there was no point in arguing with his so she agreed to follow him and Jemima was taken homeas well, when Ruth and Alex got home she was surprised to see doctor Martin sited on the chair "i should have known it was the two of you doing this, why did you kidnapped me Ruth?" he asked and Ruth looked at Alex "I had to do it sister you are getting worse and he is responsible ifhe is not going to help you I will comment my first madder" he said and doctor Martin was surprised with Alex words he was always a piece keeper this must be serious so he stood up.

"Ruth are you sick?" he asked standing up that's when he realized that her eyes where red "when did your eyes started changing again?" he asked lifting her eyelid "it has never stopped doctor Martin and it's getting worse everyday they turn red that's why I had to bring you here" Alex said and doctor Martin nold his head, "Alex you know that's a bad move you are putting my family in danger" he said looking at him "sorry doctor Martin but am not brainless I brought your family here, a month ago I knew that man was not going to let you go so I had to save you" Alex said giving one of his man a sign to bring doctor Martin's family.

Doctor Martin started treating Ruth and in a week's time she was better and she was given the instructions on how to take care of herself, and she left going back to town, "I thought you were going to tell her?" Alex asked Benny who was lost in thoughts "she is sick Alex are you sure she is lady to receive such news?" he answered with a question and Alex agreed with him she was not stable for a talk.

With the help of meditation Ruth was getting better so she dressed well getting lady to go somewhere "are you sure it's safe?" Sarah asked Ruth who was applying makeup "stop worrying so much am going to be fine I need to do this" she said and Sarah new that changing this assassin's heart was next to impossible so she just sent June to take care of her.

Being Jemima's friend helped her, Ruth was allowed to enter the prison to see Jordan, when Jordan sow her he felt goosebumps on his body the first words where "am sorry Ruth" but she did not say anything she just looked at him Jordan was afraid eve to sit down but she ordered him to sit and he did.

"Why?" Ruth asked Jordan when he took his seat "am sorry I had no choice Ruth I had to do it but am sure you cannot forgive me but I just had to say it" he said with tears on his eyes "I forgive you, you were my brother I never had" she said and left that made Jordan even worse he cried so had that the gurds had to come and stop him.

Ruth sat in the car tears flowing like water she cried apologizing to her parents for not finishing the revenge.

It was early the next day Ruth had no plans to go out she was feeling lazy so she went to the roof to watch the sunset it was beautiful she was smiling, she left her phone inside the house so she did not hear it when it was ringing, she fell asleep there , and Sarah's shouting voice worked her up , she crimbed down only to find news broadcasting she looked at it with a hollified look.