Episode 37 I LOVE YOU

"You shuld be showing me your imitions you look great he said closing her mouth which was agape, she compossed herself and went to sit on the dinning chair, she had nothing to say to him at that time, James come closer to her "dont worry everything will be fine" he said rubbing her sholders .

They eat in silence no one whanted to talk Ruth was eating as well because it was past six in the evining.

It was early the following morning Jemima work up early and she was sad that she could not attend her brothers funeral like a common person, as a prisoner Jordan was going to be burried by his fellow inmates and police officers, no relative was aroud to attend but Jamima was ditamine to attend the baural so she put on her police uniform to go and pay her last respect, she loved her brother Jordan very much and as a police officer she was allowed to attend bural.

James and Ruth where waching the funeral on cameras that where instald by alex around the city Jamima stood at the tub tears coming out of her eyes like a victoriafalls everone left her, she nelt down and saw a paper writen DONT READ IT HERE GET IT AND PUT IT IN YOUR POCKET, she was confused but she did as told on the pepar and she left quitly.

Ruth and James sat to talk she told him all he could know about her and Alex she also told him that she was the one who sent the vidio to them because she wanted to live a nomal like like anyone else.

"Does that mean you are an ophane and the only person you new was your foster dad who trained you to be an assassin?" James asked he understood her very well but he was still shooked a 10 years old girl and a seven years old boy going throw all that? he was moved as a reasoult he stood up and haged Ruth from behind, and for the first time Ruth's tears come out voluntely without forcing them, she turn around slowly with her chair and looked at the standing James. Looking at each other for sometime there bodies sterted to move on there own there lips where about to meet and ring ring ring Ruth,s phone rung and at the same time James's phone rung as well as if the people just reminded each other in older to destab them, J ames did not want to answer his phone so he ignol it but when he turn to look at the woman he was supliesed as if she was not there she stood at the corner with her phone on the ear listening but not talking.

When Ruth was done she looked at James and walked towards him "i need to go now i will find you soon" she said to him without any expresion on her face that ment she was in the assassin mood.

James walked towards her "take care of yourself i love you very much and i want you to be free i want to marry you" he said turning around going back to bed and Ruth stood there like a stone for same time.

"It has been long Ruth and your revenge is over know, so tell me what are you going to do next? i mean after finding my son?" the Boss said looking her in the eyes, but Ruth did not say anything but looking at him without a word.

'What are you going to do next? i mean after finding my son?''i love you very much,' all this were going around Ruth's brain as she was walking thinking about marring James and have childreen with him made her smile she took out her phone there were massages from Alex badging her to tex,call, or visit' she ignol then and turn off her phone.

It was monedy the following day Ruth and James did not see each other after the talk well it was James confercing love to her and she said nothing and that day he was felling better when Ruth woke up she found food on the tabble they both eat.

Jemima sat on the toilet reading a latter she found on her brothers tumb she opened it and read it.

It's not easy to loose someone you love when they are the only one we have , she killed your brother and if you need my help use the phone which is inside the envelope and everything is there i will call you as soon as you switch it on the phone that means you have excepted my offer, my condolances dear am her for you call me Brother i will take care of you when you need my help.

The letter was writen just like that Jemima looked at the phone it was an old model phone she just took them and put them in the small box and lock it. She thoult about the offer but her heart tald her not to call so she dicided to call James insted but he did not pick up so she just wrote un apology massage to him.

James saw the massage in the morning but he did not reply, at breackfast they sat quitly but he had samething to tell her so he opened his mouth and closed it he was not sure of how to nstart, "you can start from anywhere anlike opening and close your mouth" she said without looking at him James chocked on his drink "do you have eyes on top of your head womwn?"he asked as soon as he finished coughing but Ruth just looked at him with a brank face as if she did not understand and James was almost crying.

"Ruth" he called her but was intatrupted "Anna" she said "ok Anna i tald you yesterday that i am in love with you i understand if you dont answer me right away ...." he was intrupted again " i love you as well and i want to marry you" she said to him camely James opened and closed his mouth he stood up and sat down on the chair seeing this Ruth stood up and went to him giving him a dip kiss it took him a well to respond but he did it was magical to the two as if they where in there on world. Ruth pulled out before they chould go farshe looked at him and James chould swear he saw a smile on her face even if it was just for a short time but he responded with a smile too.

James went back to work Ruth went to see Alex and Bannyand when the two saw her they were speachless they where not especting her at all but they welcomed her even if she looked scary no one whanted to say anything they were afraid.

"Banny has samething to tell you sis" Alex started "what kind of apology is that little bro?" she asked without changing her expresion Alex went down on his nees and apologized, Ruth pulled him up and huged him "i did not kill him" she said in his ear and Alex apologized again he has been investgeting and he found out that Ruths image in the cctv was not real and after trying hard he managed to talk to sara and she asured him that Ruth did not go out that night even his gaurds agreed with her ,she has never gone out without letting them know about itespacally Sara as she was her nurse.

"I found same evidence that the bosses son might be in our town her is what i found, name Donald jr Matake born in Chipata Central Hospital, father Donald Mataka from Zmbabwe and he was a bussness man, mother Joyce Mwale working as a nurse at Kapata clinic she died on september 24 seventeen years ago her death known Donald run away from hom and he was decrear missing after two months of his mothers death" Alex read " i also went to the buse station and i found that he booked a ticket here is the photocopy" he took a paper and gave it to Ruth she looked at it for a weal and handed it over to Alex as he continued to talk " i send my men to Lusaka and find out that Donald growup in the ofanage and changed his name to Jamesand now he is a police officer and your friend" he finished like that and Ruth stood up and took Alex coputer looking at young James's photos untill he was grown.

"I also want to tell you something Ruth i was adopted from SOS ophanage buy the Boss i group with him my last name is Mataka but am not allowed to tell anyone am sorry i did not tell you sooner" Benny droped another bomb on Ruth she looked at him felling like she was going to pass out because of too much information she just droped herself down and without thinking she took some injection madicen in the first aid box and injected Benny very soon he droped on the flow "did you know about this?" she asked Alex who was standing in shock moving backwards as soon as the quetion hit him and Ruth started moving fowered.