
-October 2031, the imperial capital suburbs-

Though it wasn't among the best, Shanxin hospital can still be considered one of the better secondary hospitals in southern parts of the capital city's suburbs, even from among the dozens of similar-level hospitals littering the area.

Being a medical care provider set up not too long ago, it boasted of a whole array of sophisticated medical services. But the recently established physiotherapy unit had become the new pride and joy of its director board. After all, physiotherapy sounds way more classy than some eye or respiratory clinic ne?

On this day, quite a handful of people had made appointments at the unit, with most of them being either male or quite athletic-looking or both. So, the pair of people who just left the door of the consulting physician made a sight for the sore eyes, akin to beautiful flowers inserted into a pile of dung. The contrast was too… mind-boggling!

Yang Jingshen ignored the blatant stares directed their way -some leering, some envious whereas some admiring- and trudged in the wake of Feng Xue while shaking his head resignedly. He had to admit– this girl, Feng Xi, can be considered quite a stunner as well.

With her pale-colored eyes and her wavy dark hair with the slightest hints of bronze, her looks bordered on exotic, especially in a country like this– it was apparent that she had some sort of foreign blood mixed somewhere up in her family tree.

And, a person only had to take a look at the equally exotic looks -on a different level altogether- of the older woman walking a few steps ahead of the younger girl to reinforce this guess.

All in all, the combined effect of the appearances of the two cousins was force enough to turn heads wherever they go– and not just male heads, but female ones as well. Though the sentiments they evoked in the hearts of these two genders tended to be on opposite ends– or not?

Who knows? But even Yang Jingshen had to admit that they looked gorgeous, especially Feng Xi. Even if it had been him in the past, he'd have taken an extra look and probably might entertain a thought or two about enjoying such a beauty, at least for a single night.

'Cheh!' He silently spat after stepping out into the cool autumn evening. 'With this kind of body, what am I even thinking?' Thinking of his bleak future with no chances of enjoying the sublime glory that was called women, Yang Jingshen sighed dejectedly. His life simply had no meaning ah! T T

But, when this lone sigh fell into the ears of Feng Xue who was now walking side-by-side with him, it had a completely different meaning altogether.

"That– little Xi, I know you're upset about what the doctor said, but don't think too hard on it, eh? I'm sure we'll be able to find a solution quickly. I mean, this is just a second-rate hospital ne. There're better doctors out there than these guys here."

Hearing the hesitant and cautious voice of his cousin sister in his ears, the light smile that was showing signs of emerging died an early death at the corners of Yang Jingshen's lips.

Just now, he had been reminiscing about a particularly steamy night he spent with a voluptuous designer he met at a party, about a week before he transmigrated into this damned book. At that time, he had even thought of contacting her again for another late-night date and some real-time action after wrapping up the work of his premier.

Alas, fantasies were called fantasies for a reason, and it only took the sound of Feng Xue's concerned voice to drag him back to earth from the tantalizing castle he built in the clouds.

'So much for some action.'

Seeing the hesitant and guilty look on the other's face, Yang Jingshen also started having very mixed feelings in his heart. It was apparent that she thought he was depressed over the doctor's latest diagnosis of his condition– he really had been depressed, but not because of this reason ah.

'Whatever– it's not like I can go and tell her that I don't really mind that I'll have difficulty running or doing something too strenuous with my leg because it might be permanently damaged? And that I'm actually happy that my poor leg is half crippled like this?'

'...' Nah, nope, zilch, nada– thank you very much but he'd love to refuse! He was afraid that he'd be straight away sent to the mental hospital to be treated as a critically ill patient!

So, Yang Jingshen decided to grit his teeth and continue this deception, ignoring the twinge of guilt clawing his heart. Don't mistake him– he was only guilty because he kept thinking about dirty stuff, but actually managed to deceive this poor girl into thinking that he was depressed.

Like, anyway– he only wanted to avoid being labeled crazy, ok? He really wasn't guilty ok? Oh, who was he kidding? Like hell would he ever feel like a culprit because of some useless shit like this! Hehe.

"Really?" Looking at the expectant look in the large doe eyes of her young cousin, Feng Xue felt like a vice was clutching her heart, slowly squeezing it until she nearly suffocated from her own guilt and sorrow over the unfair flight of her baby cousin.

'Those people– they were too much. Is my Little Xi someone who'd do that type of horrid stuff? For god's sake, she's barely twenty!'

Seeing Feng Xi walking with a little spring to her steps after she nodded in affirmation to this question, Feng Xue felt the regret and pity in her heart growing in leaps and bounds, and she started growing more melancholic with each passing second. Alas! Little did she know that…

Inside the lovely shell that was her cousin was a horned little devil calling himself Yang Jingshen, who was greatly enjoying himself at this moment at her expense. Seeing the downcast look on the other's face, Yang Jingshen snickered inside.

'So easy to deceive…' ^_^

Anyway, he wasn't happy, so why should others be happy? Especially, his people– there was no logic in that ah!'

'...' Yeah, yeah, yeah! I know– but then again, that's just Yang Jingshen for you. And, let's face it- being the womanizer he had always been, this current situation as well as his new body for him were pure torture.

So, he was letting out his steam the only way he could– by teasing and bullying an unsuspecting, innocent young female! And Feng Xue, for her part, unknowingly managed to entertain him greatly with her increasingly depressing mood, which could also be taken as her efforts to cheer up her little cousin bearing fruit, though in a totally different way.

Truly… ignorance is bliss!

'With this leg injury as an excuse, I can leave acting after that contract expires. After all, it's really difficult for someone with this kind of hidden injury to go further in this career, unless they have a lot of determination and forbearance.'

He, Yang Jingshen, might possess these superior qualities, but who could say the same about Feng Xi?

So, from now on, he can just star in small roles in some third-rate web drama and occasionally participate in some obscure reality shows to fill in the gaps, and all would be well. Easy as that! And no one would be the wiser.

"Hmm… big sister, aren't we going back to your place?" Getting his mind out of his pleasant plans for the much-expected peaceful future, Yang Jingshen curiously looked around the slightly ancient-looking but peaceful street dotted with old buildings, most of them being wooden. "What's this place?"

"Ah– this, I heard it has really good hotpot." Feng Xue smiled slightly awkwardly. "You loved eating hotpot when it got colder, so I thought we should come here and give it a try."

The quaint-looking restaurant didn't look expensive, but appeared clean and was full of customers. After some back and forth, Feng Xue found an empty table in a dimly lit corner, and Yang Jingshen finally sat down gratefully as his leg had started aching with all the walking and standing around it did within this single day.

"I heard their seafood hotpot is the best." His cousin muttered conspiratorily while tearing off the cover of the disposable chopsticks. "I know you love seafood. Let's order extra spicy since you're fully recovered now, ok?" She then winked cheekily at him before calling out to the waiter, totally missing the aghast look on his face.

"No! Not too spicy!" Yang Jingshen nearly bellowed out, startling the waiter as well as the diners at the nearby tables. Seeing Feng Xue's quizzical look, he gulped and hurriedly started speaking in a placating manner. "I don't think my stomach can handle spicy food after all that meds. Let's- let's just go for something mild."

Hearing this, the slight suspicion on the young woman's face cleared and she looked apologetic. "Sorry little Xi, I forgot all about that– you were complaining your stomach was uncomfortable earlier too, right? Let's order something less spicy then."

After the waiter trotted away with their order, Yang Jingshen heaved a sigh of relief. This was the other problem with this body. Apparently, the original Feng Xi had loved eating spicy food, as most people who originally hailed Sichuan (1) were wont to do. But the thing was that he didn't like it just as much.

Of course, he wasn't saying that he hated spicy food. He actually doesn't have much comment to make about them, whether good or bad– if it tasted good, he'd enjoy it. But the problem was that with the hectic schedule he used to follow and the terrible drinking routines at the parties he attended in his last life, he ended up damaging his stomach.

So, he used to avoid spicy food like a plague, and it apparently became a psychological thing since he still felt like avoiding eating them, even though it was evident that this new body could easily stomach a heavy spicy diet.

Also, Yang Jingshen originally had more of a sweet tooth, but that was not the worst of it all. Apparently, the original Feng Xi hated sweets!

Hell– it's not like he can directly go and say 'what do you know, I think I don't hate sweets that much, but maybe I can't eat spicy stuff anymore either?' Wouldn't that be like… totally suspicious?

"And I really hate seafood…"Yang Jingshen glumly muttered as he looked at the bubbling broth and the array of neatly laid 'fishy' ingredients on the table. Does this girl, Feng Xi's and his eight characters (2) clash or something? Why does it look like nothing seems to go his way when it came to his new body? ⧬_⧬

"Hmm? Did you say something?"

"...No, it's nothing."



01) Sichuan - This is a landlocked province in China and it's famous for its own set of spicy 'Sichuan cuisines' that have very bold, spicy flavors.

02) Eight characters - This is a type of traditional Chinese astrological concept that's used to divine a person's fate/destiny. As far as I'm aware, when marrying, a couple's eight characters should match one another's for the marriage to be successfully carried out.