You damned fat pig!

Swallowing an angry retort, Feng Xue opened the folder and glanced through the content inside. But the more she kept reading, the more her brows started to furrow as her expression slowly turned from the initial annoyance to disbelief and finally into anger.

"Wang Zhou, the heck do you mean with this? Is it some kind of joke, eh!?"

In front of the fierce expression on his questioner's face, manager Wang's previous bravado seemed to falter, but he still squeaked out a reply after gulping nervously.

"You– *cough* let me tell you, this matter, it already harmed many other artists in my section. Finding this type of role for her to play, it's already hard enough." Feeling his courage grow the more he talked, he started speaking in an increasingly confident manner. "Besides, with Feng Xi's reputation at present, this type of work is best suited for her. After all, she already has quite some experience going around with different men."

While talking, Wang Zhou couldn't resist glancing at the person in question and leering once he saw her fine figure and pretty face. If not for this meddling bitch Feng Xue, he'd already have had a taste of this fine piece of ass.

Manager Wang was aware that Feng Xi had been desperate to improve her career before her scandal happened. And, if not for her bothersome cousin hovering around her, he was sure that he could've coaxed the younger girl to do the 'hidden rules' (1) with him.

This was after all a very usual occurrence in this industry and he couldn't understand why Feng Xue was being so uptight about this. True, their company might have rules 'protecting' its artist from this type of experience, but if the artist was willing, can the company really hinder them?

'Perhaps, this little slut Feng Xi– she'll cave under pressure and agree with me this time around ah! Then I can also give her better scripts so it's not a loss to anyone after all.'

Imagining a future when he'd finally get to taste this beauty, Wang Zhou swallowed greedily while glancing at his object of lust– and totally failed to notice the menacing shadow moving in his direction.

And by the time he became aware, it was already too late; he only felt a sharp jab at his crotch which was then followed by an unimaginable wave of pain. Clutching himself between his legs, Wang Zhou fell to the ground, banging his head on a chair in the process.

The next moment, a scream like that of a pig being slaughtered echoed inside the cramped office room, prompting Yang Jingshen to subconsciously clamp his legs. 'Ouch! Must've hurt like fuck.'

Within seconds, the decidedly unmanly scream whittled down into pained whimpering noises. But, the torment didn't stop there as an angry Feng Xue kept stomping the flabby stomach of the fallen man.

"You damned fat pig!" Stomp. "How dare you look at my baby sister like that, eh?" Another stomp. "You think I'm deaf and blind not to notice what you were doing?" Another heavier stomp.

Breathing in heavily after she finished kicking the manager to her heart's content -he was now lying on the floor while staring vacantly into space- Feng Xue squatted beside him and lowered her face until their noses were practically touching.

"Let me tell you, if you ever pull a stunt like this again or stare at my sister like that, I'll tear off your dick and feed the damned thing to dogs!" This rather chilling threat was met with silence and a slight twitching of the incapacitated form on the floor, but Feng Xue didn't care.

'Clap clap clap.'

The sudden applause was quite startling in the silence of the room that Yang Jingshen nearly jumped out of his skin while his cousin stiffened slightly from her perch on the floor.

"Wow! I didn't know that Ah'Xue could be so ferocious. If it was me, I'd have never done something like this. You really are… fearless!"

Feng Xue slowly stood up and straightened her body. When she turned around, the aggression from before was all gone. In place of it was a slightly mocking and condensing expression. Seeing this, the other woman's mouth tightened a bit before it smoothened out to her habitually confident smile.

But Feng Xue didn't seem to have noticed this change in the other's countenance as she slowly and purposefully stalked towards her nemesis who retreated two steps before holding her ground and standing firmly.

The two women finally stood mere inches apart and the air around them seemed to crackle with hidden tension. Yang Jingshen wisely decided to retreat to a corner of the room and out of this battlefield as much as possible. He didn't want to be in the midst of a cat fight and get his hair plucked off by accident or something worse.

'I have to give it to this Zhu something woman. She can really fight.' Even though this Zhu Jin had received quite a blow earlier after he called her aunt, looking at her now, she seemed to have recovered fairly well as she faced off with her cousin. Yang Jingshen could even feel some admiration for this woman emerging in his heart.

But contrary to his expectation, no cat fight occurred. Only, after the two women stared at each other for a minute or more, his cousin suddenly snickered. "That's because, unlike you, I know what is more important. I don't sell my people and everyone else to achieve my goals. Don't compare me with yourself, you slippery eel bitch!"

Delivering her piece, Feng Xue picked up the scripts inside the folder, and ignoring the twisted expression on Zhu Jin's face, she signaled her little sister to follow her as she chicly went outside and closed the door with a bang.

After this noisy departure, silence prevailed in the small office, occasionally disrupted by the pained moans from wang Zhou. Zhu Jin quietly stood in the middle of the empty room with her face now devoid of any emotion as opposed to her previous cheerfulness.

But if one looked closely, it was easy to see the darkness glittering in the depths of her pitch-black eyes, making for quite a peculiar and goose-bump-inducing sight.


Yang Jingshen obediently sat on the old, worn-out sofa in their living room as he furtively observed his angry cousin prowling restlessly across the small space. She had been seething their whole journey back home- from the moment they stepped out of section manager Wang's room and out of the company building and then into a taxi and finally their home. And, even after a change of clothes, her anger still didn't seem to have cooled off.

Finally feeling hungry, he had quietly sneaked into the kitchen and found a packet or two of snacks to munch on, and had quietly sat his butt on the sofa to wait it out. But apparently, time didn't seem to soothe his cousin's fury either. Hesitating for a few more seconds, Yang Jingshen finally opened his mouth.

"Big sister, don't be angry anymore. You'll get wrinkles ah!"


"Ehehe… what I mean is, what's the use of being angry over whatever that fat uncle did? Anyway, what was in that file?"

Feng Xue stopped her restless roaming and glanced at Yang Jingshen momentarily before shifting her eyes away uneasily. "It was some shitty drama script. Even newbies in our company won't star in that kind of- that kind of stupid work."

'*Sigh* She really is a bad liar. Guess I should also act along?' How could Yang Jingshen not know what was in that file that Feng Xue took such pains to keep out of his reach? She probably stashed it somewhere the moment they came home.

'It was probably porn… That fatso– he might have a death wish' He mentally cracked his knuckles, but when he opened his mouth again, his face looked as innocent as ever.

"But, why did you beat him, eh?" Let's just pretend he didn't see that geezer leering at him in that office. "Won't there be a lot of trouble– he's a manager, right?"

'But I really have to give it to this cousin mine ah!' Previously, Yang Jingshen had had an inkling that she was more ferocious than she presented herself to the outside, but it looked like she was made of sterner stuff than even he thought her to be.

"What do a kid like you know? He was looking down on us. You heard how he talked about you, right? He- he even said… Aai! Nevermind! He had been asking for a beating for quite some time. Anyway, he won't dare to tell on us."



"Won't it be difficult to get scripts after this?" But it's a good thing though.

Feng Xue took a deep breath and then smiled. "Don't worry, I have other contacts. I'll try to find something."

Yang Jingshen quietly stared at her for a few seconds before nodding cleverly. "I know big sister. You'll definitely find something good. You're the best ne."

Feng Xue froze a bit, but then the previous rage on her face disappeared as she laughed and pinched his face and rubbed his cheeks while squealing. "Aweee… What am I gonna do ah? Why are you so cute ah?"

"Aaish… stop it. It hurtssss."

"Nope! Let me take a bite out of your cheeks."




01) Hidden rules - This term is used when entertainment artists like actors *cough* do the deed with their superiors or investors or directors or rich businessmen or whoever can help them and provide them with more resources to develop their career.