
Han Qi had been an agent of Star dreams entertainment longer than Feng Xue– actually, it had been seven years since he had started working in it. But somehow, his luck in selecting talented artists was never that good. They would either be of average talent and if by any chance he got one with some talent, they always end up getting lured by some other agent.

His other friends and even Feng Xue would always joke that he must be much loved by the star of misfortune. This was because, despite this pitiful situation, Han Qi was in fact quite a sharp individual who could otherwise easily thrive in this industry.

"About three years after I started working in the company, I had this female artist assigned to me. She was quite pretty too." He paused a bit and took a sip of the slightly lukewarm coffee. "It was at that time that wang Zhou became our section manager and once he saw her, he started harassing her. When I learned of this, I warned him that I would report this to the company."

"So he held a grudge for this?"

"Yes. After that time, I was also blocked like you. I didn't realize it at first, but I couldn't get good scripts and if I manage to scout a good artist, they all get poached by other agents. At first, I was quite puzzled but then later learned about this from a few of my acquaintances. That Wang Zhou apparently bragged about this in a drinking party and was overheard by some people."

"That bastard!" Feng Xue angrily thumped the table, startling the waiter cleaning an empty table next to them. Han Qi smiled soothingly at the alarmed young man and lightly tapped Feng Xue's forearm as a reminder not to shout loud.

"Actually, my promotion too… I wonder if this guy hindered it."

"No wonder ah! Brother Han, you became a junior agent after only one and a half years, but haven't become a senior agent even now. It's already been more than five years."

Han Qi resignedly shook his head but didn't comment. Feng Xue also fell silent after fully digesting this information. If worse comes to worst, once the three years of Feng Xi's contract were up, she'd leave the company together with her cousin. With her qualifications, she didn't believe that she won't be able to land a good job in another, smaller company!

"Little Xue, actually I also think that it's better for your cousin if she acted in this type of role for starters."

"Eh? Why's that?"

Han Qi didn't answer this question at once and once again looked at the script sent to his phone. It was after a few minutes had passed that he finally raised his head, but his eyes looking at Feng Xue appeared very serious.

"True– This character is not important and from what I saw, has only a few scenes. But are you sure that Feng Xi can cope with starring in the main character or a second leading character with lots of exposure and many scenes, especially with her condition?"

Hearing this, Feng Xue stared confusedly at Han Qi but after a few seconds passed, her mouth fell open in shock while her eyes finally showed comprehension. "Crap, I totally forgot about that!"

"Exactly. She lost her memory, so there's no reason why she should only remember her acting skills and experiences. So, acting in this kind of light-weight character is good for her until she learns better."

But Feng Xue didn't seem to have heard what her company senior said as she kept muttering to herself. "No wonder she insisted on this. I was such an insensitive fool ah!" After muttering to herself for quite some time in this manner, she finally raised her head and looked at Han Qi before speaking gratefully.

"Thank you brother Han. If you didn't tell this, I'd have still thought that that kid was being stubborn. Little Xi had been so obedient all this time after waking up, I totally forgot her annoying habit of hiding what she really thinks in her heart."

Han Qi smiled gently and said, "It's fine ah! When you're too concerned about someone, you tend to miss out on certain details."

According to what the drama crew said, the filming would start at end of this month. It was now November and they would probably wrap up the shooting within a month or two.

As Feng Xue noted earlier, this role doesn't have difficult scenes so it won't be too tiresome for her cousin to act in, even taking her leg injury and inexperience into consideration. 'Also, if Siqi manages to get that second lead role, he can also look after Little Xi in the acting crew ne.'

Meng Siqi was the newest artist scouted out by Han Qi and was also the only artist under his management at present, just like Feng Xi was the only artist currently under Feng Xue. After one of his last two artists was recruited by another agent and the other one decided to retire after her contract expired at the beginning of this year, Han Qi didn't have any more artists under his name.

This was of course quite a troublesome and shameful thing to happen to an agent of a famous company like Star dreams, but he had kept his cool. And following some time spent searching, he had finally scouted out this Meng Siqi four months ago, after watching one of his performance clips in a school drama.

Last month, Feng Xue met this new artist signed under Han Qi at the company, and the impression she got about him had been quite good. He was a good-looking, well-behaved youth who was only nineteen years old.

The best thing was that he didn't act vainly because of his status as an aspiring actor signed to one of the top companies in the country, nor too subservient and ingratiating because they were his ticket to success. Feng Xue had a hunch that as long as Han Qi acted prudently, this time he'd be able to produce a rated artist. And even after hearing about his enmity with wang Zhou, this feeling didn't change much.

"By the way brother Han, how is sister Yuhan doing? I was so busy that I didn't even get a chance to meet with her."

Hearing this question, Han Qi smiled again, but this time it looked even more gentle and sweet and Feng Xue felt like she was suddenly force-fed an extra large bowl of dog food (1). "She's good. Working as an instructor at that dance school is very relaxing for her and she's a lot freer than me. Anyway, Yuhan had also been nagging me to take better care of you."

"*Sigh* As long as she's fine. But, don't tell her about these things. She's pregnant now and it's not good for her to hear about the nonsense of that fat pig ne."

"Don't worry, I didn't tell her anything. But then again, she's no stranger to that dude's antics, right?"

Hearing this Feng Xue laughed out loud. "Yeah, you're right about that."

Li Yuhan was the wife of Han Qi and was a good friend of Feng Xue. But their closeness was not just because she was her senior's wife. More than that, it was because she was also the first artist assigned under her when she first became an agent. So, was it any wonder that this lady, Li Yuhan was well acquainted with section manager Wang's nastiness?

After paying for their coffee and bidding farewell to the old barista of the shop -they were, after all, frequent visitors- Han Qi and Feng Xue finally stepped outside the shop. It had started to drizzle again, but the rain had yet to turn into a downpour.

The sky was already quite dark too, despite it being not even five in the afternoon. But then again, evenings in the capital, especially in autumn and winter were like that.

"Little Xue, to tell the truth, your sister-in-law is quite worried about you and little Xi. I know you'll be busy in the coming period, but I learned from the director that this drama will wrap up well before the new year. So, why not come visit us and have a meal during this holiday, hmm?"

"Is it really ok? Won't you be going to your or sister Yuhan's parent's place?"

"You know how my family is, right? So we're only going to visit Yuhans' mom. You guys can visit us a few days later. And… don't worry about your cousin. We both know her situation, so it's fine."

This suggestion was enthusiastically accepted by Feng Xue as these last five years, the two of them had spent the new year all by themselves. Some years, they even spend it separately due to her busy schedule.

Feng Xue finally got on the train leaving in the direction of her place at the subway station after waving goodbye to Han Qi. While she lived in the northern parts of the capital's suburbs, her senior's rented apartment was located in a different direction.

The train was quite crowded as it was the time of office closing hours, and all the people looked wet and glum and decidedly weary. But, despite all of this, Feng Xue had a light smile playing on her lips as she stared at the darkened scenery flashing by. It was apparent that she was quite happy.

But then, why wouldn't she be? After all, she'd be making new memories with her cousin this coming new year, and perhaps, this will be the long-awaited fresh start for both of them, right?



01) Dog food - This means a couple's love and affection, especially flirting as seen by others. In other words, sticky and too sweet loving gestures between a couple that makes their acquaintances or family or friends or simply passers-by feel like they're like a third wheel. That's the general gist. *sticking out tongue*