The juvenile scriptwriter

Of course, Chen Rui won't, even for a moment believe that this kind of loose woman would receive much backing from a talent agency like Star dreams unless, of course, she had found a sugar daddy for herself even there.

'Nuh-uh! It can't be. If she had that type of support, an experienced actress like her won't be running here to act in this type of cheap web series.'

Even though she felt that she would love to turn her nose up at this kind of cheap woman, it was a pity that this kind of thing can't be really done. This Feng Xi apparently didn't have much reputation in her own company, but if they treat her badly while in their production house, it would be bad if anyone from the Star dreams learn about it, right?

In this circle, the thing they do not lack the most next to artists and artwork is nothing else but gossip mongers. Many eyes and ears were observing everyone's actions, so it's best to act prudently all the time. She already had a very hard time finding this job and she likes it a lot. So, she doesn't want to lose it just yet.

"Teacher Feng(1), this way please."Chen Rui politely guided the two guests towards the second floor and couldn't resist sneaking a glance at the actress in question. She had to admit, despite her terrible reputation, this Feng Xi was quite a beauty and looked very elegant.

Her agent was also quite beautiful, but when compared with her, the other woman paled by a huge margin. It's a pity for such a beautiful face though– acting like a jealous bitch and sleeping around with multiple men.

'No wonder people say that you can't judge a book by its cover.'

Yang Jingshen politely thanked the staff member leading them and followed her to the place where the audition was being held, all the while aware of the negative attitude the other tried hard to mask. Looks like this was someone aware of his predecessor's black history.

But, once he saw the second floor teeming with people, he stopped in his tracks for a moment before resuming walking. The people who were sitting on the chairs or standing in the hallway turned to look in his direction and after some staring went into whisper among themselves.

Some looked curious, some looked angry and the others looked disdainful. Ignoring all these people, Yang Jingshen turned to the young assistant who led them here and asked, "Today, do you have another audition other than the one I came for?"

"No teacher, it's only for the role of Zhu Wanyin."

Hearing this, he nodded and sat down on an empty seat. He had kind of expected this reply but hearing it confirmed still surprised him. When he got his number in the queue, it was already 48, which indicated that there were already forty-seven actresses auditioning for this small side character role.

Once he got over his surprise, Yang Jingshen realized that this was not wholly unexpected. It was because, unlike in his original world, the competition in the entertainment circle here was extremely heavy and there were many people vying for fame and recognition.

He remembered reading somewhere that this world had a total of nearly one and a half million professional actors, while the aspiring actors were probably estimated to be around six million something in value.

Therefore, even a small role like this has fierce competition, especially among a large number of unrated actresses from lower-rung companies. So, seeing the angry glances directed his way, Yang Jingshen felt almost apologetic, almost. Hehe.

From the fuming looks of many actresses who had come for the audition as well as their agents, it was evident that they were probably cursing him for coming here to rob them of this rarely-found chance.

According to them, he already has enough resources, what with being signed to a top company, so why did he have to run over to steal this little bit of food from them? Doesn't he know how precious this chance was? Wasn't it like a local ruffian robbing a street beggar of his few measly coins?

'Sorry ladies, but I'm also in a pinch. And, if this uncle set my eyes on anything, I'll get it by hook or by crook. No use making evil eyes at me.' ^_^

Yang Jingshen couldn't say he didn't enjoy the colorful expressions on the faces of these young girls. It never failed to amuse him when others get angry and jealous of him, but couldn't do anything about it.

But then again, this world was just like this. It was the survival of the fittest in the end, despite the rules and norms and all sorts of social niceties in place. And Yang Jingshen wasn't above doing whatever he could to achieve his ultimate goals.

As for worrying about other people– heh! It's not like he was a saint ok? And if others couldn't tolerate his actions anymore and they were so angry at him, they should just fight.

Anyway, who cares whether you were a small artist from an unknown company? What matters most is the result you get in the end.


Today, director Tian felt that he must have gotten up from the wrong side of the bed. First thing in the morning, just when he got out of the house to go to his car parked at the side of the road, in his haste, he accidentally stepped on a pile of dog poop. How he didn't see the huge stinking heap just in front of their gate was still a puzzle to him.

It was probably their neighbor's damned dog! They let the beast run around freely and it would go and shit and pee in front of others' houses.

Cursing his neighbor and his dog a thousand times in his heart, he had hastily run back inside to clean himself. Once it was all done, he quickly got into his car and set off, only to find that an accident had occurred at a nearby junction of the city.

The blockage was heavy and the traffic moved at the rate of a snail's pace. He had called the production company and informed them, and even though they had been polite, it was apparent that they weren't very pleased. As a small-time director, how can he have the audacity to delay their precious time?

Not to say that this Rainbow production house was also not a big company, so their resources were quite important to them too. Imagine nearly hundreds of people filling up their small building space without doing anything productive and the amount of electricity and refreshments wasted on them. Truly excessive!

Once again cursing the eighteen generations of his neighbor's dog, director Tian sat in the traffic jam while sweating buckets and barely managed to reach the company just half an hour later than the starting time of the audition. It wasn't that late and he was starting to feel slightly relieved because he managed to alleviate a disaster, when he slipped on the rain-drenched pavement and fell face down, right on the spot.

By the time the staff had spotted him and hastily run over to give their help, he didn't even have the energy to curse. His forehead was bleeding not to mention his hands and cheek. The dress he had so meticulously put upon was stained with mud and some undefinable materials and mixed together with the rainwater, it was now giving off a weird stench.

In fact, director Tian now looked like a beggar who got into a fight with a bunch of other beggars in the street. Ignoring the curious glances directed at him, he had finally limped with difficulty to the auditioning room on the second floor after tidying himself up a bit, thinking that maybe his streak of bad luck might be over now. But…

"Director Tian– I told you before, right? This character is very important to me. I made her by replicating my ex. So, whoever you select for this must first have my consent… Once this drama is broadcast, what I most want to see is the look on that damned bitch's stupid dog face. Hmph!"

Director Tian dully stared at the arrogant face of the juvenile in front of him as he cursed the other in his head, maybe for the hundredth time.

'Fuck you! Do I look like I care about whatever problem between you and your ex? Also, are you acting in a melodrama? Who in the fuck would do something like this nowadays? Are you the goddamned Romeo!?' # `⟱′

"Oh, by the way, director Tian– why do you look like that? For a moment there, I thought you were a beggar. By any chance, did you get into a fight or something?"=⁰𝟶⁰=


"Maan! I never thought you were the type to pick fights with street thugs. You must be quite young in heart and strong in the body despite how you look, right? Hahaha!!" ≥∇≤

"... Ahahahaha" Director Tian also laughed awkwardly in response, feeling too tired to even argue in his defense. He so wanted to give a good beating to this stinky brat, but would he dare?

Of course not! After all, not only was this person the scriptwriter of this drama, but he was also the money god of their crew ah! If he beat up their money god, who'd give him funds to continue filming?



01) Teacher:- Here, the term teacher is used to address artists or professionals in the art field. Usually, if you're a normal staff personnel meeting an artist or a junior artist meeting a senior artist, this form of address is used as a show of respect.