New job

"Sister, this– is this a job off- eh?" Yang Jingshen looked on with amazement as Feng Xue snatched the printed papers in his hand and felt his mouth twitching when he saw her stuffing them under the pillows. Why was she acting so secretive right in front of him? Did she think he was blind or mentally challenged? He could clearly see it, ok?

"Don't bother about it. Just some useless stuff."

In the past few months, Yang Jingshen had come to the knowledge of a few odd quirks of his new cousin sister, but one stood very prominent among them. She was usually a very calm and collected female, especially considering her age, and also possessed a high level of emotional intelligence.

But, all this composure seems to go down the drain once it concerns her baby cousin Feng Xi a.k.a. him. She'd be very panicky and flustered when it came to dealing with matters pertaining to him and would be prone to occasional bouts of over-enthusiastic shows of affection over his person.

In other words, she was one of those rare creatures known to humankind as a 'sis con'!

'Rare indeed, considering both of us are 'girls'. Usually, aren't brothers the type who were supposed to become sis cons?' Well, guess that there are always exceptions! Who said girls can't become obsessed over their… sisters? →_→

Yang Jingshen stood up in a flash the moment the other turned aside to dry her still dripping hair, and before his cousin could so much as mouth 'stop', snatched the papers away and ran to the other end of the hotel room.

Seeing this thieving behavior, Feng Xue fell into momentary speechlessness. She could feel amusement and exasperation warring in her mind but the latter won in the end. Why was this little rascal so mischievous at certain times?

"Stop running! Give it back here!!"

"No! I wanna take a look at this… eh, isn't this good? A photoshoot? Sister, why are you saying it's useless?"

After chasing the little devil around the room for nearly more than a minute, Feng Xue who finally managed to snatch back the papers stood panting in the middle of the room and glared at Feng Xi who was huddled near the head of the bed. Ignoring the other's pitiful stare, she also sat down on the bed as she tried to catch her breath.

Running after a hot shower, especially running around in circles can make you quite dizzy. This naughty kid– instead of resting in her room after shooting, she had come sauntering here, and had started to misbehave on top of it!

"This fashion blogger– she's a famous lesbian celebrity"


When Yang Jingshen continued staring at her in silence, Feng Xue sighed in vexation. "She likes women."

"..." What's this? Was this cousin of his afraid that he would be eaten clean by this particular fashion blogger? Well… that was quite sweet of her, but when had he ever been the one to be eaten, eh? Instead, he was the type to do the eating! If not for his useless body… heh!

After listening to Feng Xue's explanation, Yang Jingshen fell silent without saying anything at first. According to her, this Gu Fengyin can be considered as being somewhat famous. It was not simply because she was a well-known fashion blogger, but also an LGBT activist.

She would regularly give chances to upcoming fashion designers to collaborate with her and have their designs posted on her blog. The only downside of course was that many designers with hetero sexual orientation or those who were afraid to come out of the closet were reluctant to work with her, due to the fear of being labeled as weird by the masses for having unusual sexual orientations.

After all, in this country, having this type of preference was still considered somewhat abnormal by the general populace, even though it was not to the same degree as in his previous life. So, very few would still dare to go public, especially if they were famous figures. You risk getting cursed to death by your fans and getting your career ruined for good!

So, it was no wonder that many newbie designers and models hesitate to work with this woman, even if they get very precious few chances from other sources. Still so, there were people who would still collaborate with her; many of them being those with homosexual and other such sexual and gender deviations.

"I have a friend. He is a fashion designer working with Gu Fengyin and he needs a model to pose for his new year collection. He was the one who asked me."

"Is your friend also gay?" Yang Jingshen looked interested. =⁰𝟶⁰=

"Of course not– he is perfectly normal!"


"Well, as far as I know. Anyway, modeling for this kind of thing would be no good for you. It might hinder your future development" Even though she tried to sound confident, Feng Xue still squirmed as she was assaulted with a sudden bout of guilt when she was confronted with the large bright eyes of her younger cousin. Why was this kid staring at her like this? She didn't do anything wrong! QAQ

"Big sister…"


"I didn't know you were prejudiced against these people." Head hanging lower, "Never mind then– it's not good to take this job when you're so against it."


Later that night, Yang Jingshen entered his room humming a little ditty, all the while congratulating himself for a mission accomplished successfully. It had only taken a bit of guilty tripping on his part for him to get Feng Xue to agree to take up this job. Not to mention, in the first place, his cousin had also been in quite a dilemma on how to refuse her friend who was also struggling in his career as a new designer.

Of course, Yang Jingshen had said things like they shouldn't discriminate against others like this and that he won't be getting any job offers from the company's side anyway so why not take this and stuff like that, but this wasn't all that was there to it.

Of course, he was not so narrow-minded that he'd scorn others for their sexual preferences– after all, he also likes women.

And it was also true that the company didn't seem too interested in helping this disgraced actress in developing her career. At most, he'll have to wait until enough merit points were accumulated to get a better script or he'd have to act in another cheap drama of this caliber.

Of course, Yang Jingshen won't go around blaming the unfairness of the company, since this was the way this industry operates. If you need better chances, you gotta prove yourself first. It was already quite generous of the Star dreams to not terminate his contract.

After all, if they had removed him from the company at the beginning, with the way things were now for him with original Feng Xi, he'd have found himself neck-deep in trouble. For god's sake, Yang Jingshen would have to go around looking for another company to sign himself up -if there would be any willing to take him in- and even if he manage to sign a contract with one, where would he get the privileges he was currently enjoying because he was in a big company like star dreams?

He was no fool. How can he not realize that the director and the crew treating him this cautiously was mostly because of the prestige of his talent agency?

All in all, his reasons for accepting this job were not because he suddenly found his conscience. No, it was because, he was sure that despite what Feng Xue feared, participating in this type of job would actually end up benefitting him in the long run.

Having a bold, charismatic, open-minded, and indiscriminating image– Wasn't that something every celebrity wishes to achieve but in reality, finds quite hard to attain no matter how much marketing and promoting was done? Plus, this person Gu Fengyin also has a considerable fanbase, so why not?

The soul guardian might have assured him that he need not rush too much, but Yang Jingshen knew better than that. How could he not, considering the current progression of the plot of the novel 'How to be a superstar'? If he procrastinated too much and let things flow naturally, wouldn't he be giving that already OP protagonist a chance to grow even more powerful?

If things continue at the current pace, the drama 'My forever spring' would be broadcasted around March and it would be only then that he would be able to make a turnaround in his stagnant career. Does that mean that he should wait until then, twiddling his thumb as that damned Guo Ying continued to grow exponentially?

Nonsense! He, Yang Jingshen had never been that heedless!

Considering that the designs by Feng Xue's friend were for the new year, it was a given that they would be exposed to the public much earlier than March next year. It might even give much-needed publicity -free of charge at that- to his current work 'My forever spring'!

So this job offer… Accept! Of course, he would accept it!! It would be a big waste not to do that.

The only problem now was whether this person Gu Fengyin would be willing to accept a model who had been mired in a sexual scandal some time ago. After all, her blog already was pretty controversial, so any more fuss could only make it look even more negative.



Heya guys,

So you lot are probably already aware that this book had gotten contracted with webnovel, seeing the golden ticket vote option and all. ≥∇≤

Since I'm sure that there might be many readers who are not clear about the details of how a contracted novel operates, I decided to dedicate a separate chapter to give information to everyone. It would have details about stuff like how gifts, locked chapters, and privilege chapters work. I'll be posting this chapter under the auxiliary volume at the beginning of the book as 'About the contract and paying options'.

If you have any unclear points, you can refer to this chapter, but don't expect to be enlightened at once. I'm also quite new to this and still learning my way around, so I'll be constantly editing and posting whatever new stuff I learned under it.

Have a fun read!