
About two years ago, Yu Ning was just another normal student out of hundreds of such students enrolled for a marketing degree in a third-tier university in the far north of the empire. Her life was supposed to be as normal and boring as it could get– it would flow in a typical and dull manner and end in a way that would be just as insignificant.

But, all that changed when an agent from an unrated and slightly well-known talent agency approached her and scouted her to be an actress for their company.

And, Yu Ning had agreed with more enthusiasm than she ever thought she possessed in her heart. Her family and close friends had disagreed, and she herself would admit that she didn't know a single darned thing about acting at that time. But, it was only when she was presented with this opportunity that she realized how fed up she had become with her highly ordinary life.

She wanted to change– and the rising sun entertainment had given her a chance to do that. So, Yu Ning had given up on her education and directly moved to the SH municipality, one of the main cultural and art hubs of the mainland.

Time had quickly flashed past and nearly two years had gone by since then. She was no longer a rookie actress who knew next to nothing about acting. Whether she made the correct decision or not– even now, Yu Ning wasn't sure. But she was determined not to regret her actions.

"Sister Yu, have some tea to get rid of the cold."

She thanked her assistant and took the mug before taking a light sip. The rich, buttery-sweet flavor of the milk oolong exploded on her tongue and Yu Ning took another eager sip, grateful for the warmth it brought to her cold body. She had been filming incessantly since early morning, and even if it was early February, the weather was still quite cold.

She settled more comfortably on the plastic chair and absentmindedly gazed at the filming that was still going on as she thought about the scene she'd have to film this evening– or more like, about the fellow actress that she'd have to film the scene with.

These past two years, Yu Ning had acted in various roles. They ranged from extras to side characters to second or third leads and sometimes even villains in various dramas– it was only recently that she got a chance to act as the FL in a small web series, which, though it didn't gain a lot of fame, still earned her some much-needed attention.

And, it was also what made it easier to let the company to allow her to audition for the lead role in this drama 'Miss Peng's romantic encounter'. She had successfully landed the role, and no way was she gonna blow this chance. Even if her co-star for the evening was the infamous Feng Xi, she'd still act cordial and genial, even if that totally went against her conscience.

Of course, her company's senior sister Song Yue, who had starred as the second female lead in a drama together with this woman -what was it called again? My spring something?- had assured her that this Feng Xi was quite easy to work with. Also, the first meeting Yu Ning had with this co-star when the other was introduced to their crew yesterday had left a good impression on her.

'But, it's still better to be careful around her.'

"Teacher Feng is here."

Yu Ning was roused from her reverie by the whispered voice of her assistant. She glanced at the cup which still had half of its contents remaining and regretfully put it down before standing up and walking in the newcomer's direction. Her face was adorned with a cheerful and happy smile as if she was extremely glad of the other's presence– none of her internal conflict showing on it.

Director Xie Chunhua -a courageous lady if there ever was one, who was only 33 years of age- gave the signal for the two actresses to get into position. This scene was relatively simple to act out, not much emotional depth was required. But it still needed a good rapport between the two artists for it to be filmed successfully.

Since the two girls seemed to have taken well to each other, director Xie could only hope that they would be able to complete this without a hitch.


Peng Zhi slowly strolled along the deserted pathway inside the school and seemed to be deep in thought with her face looking clouded. The afternoon encounter she had with Mr. Lu left a bad taste in her mouth. It was at this moment that she suddenly heard a rush of footsteps behind her.

Turning back, she was able to see the figure of another woman running in her direction, and after identifying who it was, Peng Zhi exclaimed in surprise. "Song Yan?" what was she doing here?

The other finally caught up to her and panted as she tried to catch her breath. "You-walk-so-fast."

"Uh… That- what's wrong? Do you need me for something?" Peng Zhi tried to not show her displeasure. She honestly didn't want to be disturbed at this moment. But the other didn't seem to realize her reluctance at all as she grinned foolishly.

"Want a sachima(1)? Teacher Chen's wife sent some. They're quite tasty."

Peng Zhi stared at the tiny blocks of sweetened fried batter and felt her mouth water as the sweet, oily, and milky aroma hit her nose. She reluctantly reached her hand to pick one, all the while trying hard not to show any eagerness.

"You shouldn't take those words of teacher Lu too hard. He's a bit of a stick in the mud, but he didn't mean to sound harsh."

Peng Zhi paused in the middle of taking a second bite of the piece of snack and suddenly felt that the sweetness was a bit too cloying. "He was being ridiculous."

"And old school, right?" Seeing the surprise on her face, Song Yang Cheekily laughed. "Everyone knows this. He's so young and still acts like such an uncle. This side of him, only that Xu Tong acts like it's something really great."

"You're right. Anyway, what's with her? Does she like him or something?"

The other hummed in response and after glancing around, moved closer and whispered conspiratorily, "I think they match perfectly. Both are such sticklers to rules. Sadly, I don't think teacher Lu likes her."

"Pffft" Peng Zhi couldn't hold in her laughter anymore and the other also joined her in the fun.

Continuing to much on the little pieces of sweets, the two of them walked in companionable silence for a few more minutes before Song Yan suddenly spoke, her tone of voice serious and lacking the earlier cheekiness.

"Actually, don't hold any prejudice against teacher Lu, just because he's so serious and uptight. He's actually a person who cares a lot about his students in his heart. Just that– the way he shows it is quite different… Do you get what I'm saying?"

Peng Zhi looked at the other's earnest eyes and slowly nodded her head as her face showed an expression of understanding yet not at the same time.




01) Sachima - A type of traditional sweet pastry in China. A favorite among people, especially children and women. Mainly made of flour and eggs, and is fried in hot honey, melted rock sugar, and cream/butter. The ingredients can change according to traditions and regions. Tastes sweet with a fluffy texture and a golden, crispy crust.