Letting go

"I-I– I didn't mean it like that." Feng Xue tried hard to stifle the miserable feeling in her heart. All along, did little Xi think of her as a meddlesome burden because of her interference in her life?

"I know."Feng Xi suddenly spoke, her voice now much gentler than when she lashed out earlier. "But big sister, I'm already going to be twenty-one in a few months."

Feng Xue stared at the young girl– no, she should call her a young woman now. This child– when did she grow so old? It felt like yesterday when she used to trail after her, adorably calling out 'big sister'. 

Feng Xue fell into a trance as scenes from the past seemed to flash past her eyes. Children grow up, right? She should also learn to let her go… right?