A human doll...

The corridor glimmered under the pale light from the afternoon winter sun filtering in through the windows, but instead of giving it a brighter appearance, this instead made the surroundings look a little dreary and forlorn. Maybe because there were not many people moving about at this time of the day, or maybe it was solely owing to the penetrating cold that somehow reflected from the surroundings.

Wei Nanqing's boots with thick rubber soles didn't make much noise on the marbled floor, and she politely nodded at an employee that passed by before stopping in front of a particular door. It had a nameplate showing 'Junior agent - Zhu Jin'.

This corridor was arranged in such a way that the doors were placed very close, which can only mean that the interiors of the rooms were rather small as well. Sure enough, when Wei Nanqing placed her hand on the door and pressed lightly, it opened a sliver to show a not-so-large room on the other side.