Do nothing

The two men hastily slipped out as if their feet were oiled. But just before they went out of the door, one of them stopped briefly to glance back at the fourth person who still hadn't made even the slightest movement all this while. 

There was a hard-to-describe emotion in his eyes as he looked at this silent man wearing glasses– parts envy, parts pity, and parts admiration. In the end though, he still heaved a sigh and went outside, quietly closing the heavy door behind him.

For a moment, silence ensued inside the study room, only disrupted by the ticking of the second's hand of the huge grandfather clock mounted on a wall. Neither of its occupants spoke and the silence continued to stretch until finally, Mr. Jiang sitting at the table heaved a weary sigh, the previous air of wrathfulness deserting him.

"Old Long… still mad at me for sidelining you?"