Another reversal

Of course, she won't try to control him or anything like that on any normal day, but if she sets her mind on something, there was no turning back. For example, if there was any must-follow restriction that he must adhere to, then she'd make him follow it no matter what!

Which means, her aforementioned accommodating stance of his needs only stretched so far. If it passed the boundary of what she felt was acceptable, then nothing would stop this brat from pulling him back with more stubbornness than a mule, until he was right in place, where he should've been from the very start. And the worst part was that even he wouldn't know how he started following her whims at moments like this.

To say that Yang Jingshen was exasperated would be an understatement. But, there were no real conflicts and nor were his interests affected, and what Gu Zhen controlled in his life would only be strictly limited to the duties of her job. Could he blame her then? Could he?