
"Eh? This- this? Isn't this–"

"It's beggar's chicken."

"Uwoh! Been years since I ate this!!" If one looked close enough, there seemed to be heart signs in Yang Jingshen's eyes. For the record, Luo Cheng didn't seem surprised by this almost unladylike response from his companion for the day.

Qin Mu had a hard time trying to stop himself from rolling his eyes. This woman– he had noticed it earlier too. She was an authentic foodie. He couldn't help but question himself– wasn't she afraid of losing her figure?

Not to mention… acting like this in front of a man like Ah'Cheng. Honestly, he didn't know what to make of this behaviour.

Other women– whenever they were in front of Lou Cheng, would always try to look like immortal fairies who'd only have morning dew and flower nectar for their meals. Picking a little at a small serving of salads, and just after a few bites, claiming to be so full that they couldn't eat an extra mouthful.