Unusual defense

<'Swift footed Atalanta, the slayer of boars, daughter of Arkadian…'

Effects: Once in use, gives the wearer an acceleration of movement of up to 60 km/h. The maximum amount of time the shoes can be used is five minutes per one round of usage. The higher the speed, the lower would be the time that it can be used. The cooling period after each use is 48 hours.

Important: The time of usage according to speed is as follows.

20 km/h = 5 minutes

30 km/h = 4 minutes

40 km/h = 3 minutes

50 km/h = 2 minutes

60 km/h = 1 minute 

The total time the shoes can be used for one round will depend upon the cumulative variation in the speed of the user. The shoes can be used at differing intervals within a span of one hour, during one round of usage, until the allocated time quota is over. If the shoes sustain any damage, it'll reduce the overall effect. Once the total damage exceeds 50%, the item will lose effect completely.