Change in attitude

"Good morning little Xue."

"Good morning sister Min."

"You're looking good today. Did teacher Xi manage to land another good role?"

"Ahaha. You must be joking. That child is not that capable."

"Don't say that. Teacher Xi is after all the new hope of our company ah! She was also in our section at that time ne. It's a special honour for us too."

Feng Xue laughed awkwardly and after giving some random excuse, escaped from the clutches of this rather tenacious employee from section E. Her mouth kept smiling as she responded to various enthusiastic greetings of some colleagues along the way -some of whom she had never talked with even once-, but there was a barely noticeable coldness in her eyes.

When the two of them had still been in this section under Wang Zhou's management, these people wouldn't even spare an extra glance at neither her nor little Xi. But now though… look at them being such talented licking dogs!