Current trends

"Little Lan! How many times did I tell you? Keep up your guard!" The instructor who looked to be in his thirties roared out, sounding a little exasperated as he watched the mock fight going in on the ring. "Protect your chin! This takes priority! Don't let your opponent throw a button(1)!!"

The taller of the two people engaged in fighting -a young man who had a buff and well-built structure, with his looks slightly bordering on plain- grew even more cautious at this reprimand from the coach. But his opponent– a woman of short and slight stature with her head barely reaching his upper chest, appeared unflustered.

The young man finally couldn't seem to take this stalemate and went ahead with a flurry of rapid shot punches, trying to land one critical hit on his sparring partner. But still, the young woman didn't look that affected, skillfully evading all the hits with competent head and body movements of varying degrees.